Peter denied Jesus three times but Hillary Clinton appears to have a much more difficult task; she is going to have to deny herself at least 45 times. Last Friday, Hillary Clinton's spokesperson, Karen Finney, appeared on CNN's The Lead and exasperated Jake Tapper by continuing to avoid avoid answering the important question as to whether her boss still supports or opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade bill in Congress. Not a good move in the long run because yesterday Tapper struck back by listing in detail with her own quotes 45 times that Hillary pushed the trade bill over the years. First Tapper writes about Hillary's current reluctance to back the trade bill in stark contrast to the many times she strongly supported it in the past:
"Only two men, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, directly took part in the May 3 attack"...
The document’s fame rests on huge myths. But those myths have become their own reality.
The Wilderness | Issue .50 | 6 . 16. 2015 | Tweet Something happened last month that mostly went unnoticed among rank-and-file politicos. The ground shifted underneath their feet, under the weight of a barrage of leaked email stories, foundation donation revelations and rehearsed campaign appearances. Hillary Clinton made her official announcement for President and embarkedRead more
When racial solidarity meant something entirely different to her
Spokane, Wash.'s former NAACP president, who resigned after her parents outed her as white, has broken her silence.
Many of you are well enough off that the tax cuts may have helped you. We're saying that for America to get back on track, we're probably going to cut that short and not give it to you."
Liberalism is a force of hopeless insanity. It's important to understand this upfront. Progressives have been waging a brutal, endless war against Truth, and this is where it leads. To Bruce Jenner. To Rachel Dolezal. To much worse things than these, like the destruction of unborn life and the...
Contrary to Hillary Clinton's claim that Republicans want to limit voting, the GOP works hard to reach new voters and strongly supports early voting.
At the core of left-wing thought is a rejection of painful realities. Conservatives are all too aware of these painful realities of life and base many of their positions on them.
“Microaggression” protests have spread to campuses from coast to coast, from Berkeley and UCLA on the East Coast, and Oberlin and Illinois in the Midwest.
FLORENCE, Ala. (WHNT) - Police are investigating an assault that was reported during First Fridays in Florence. Investigators said 20 to 30 juveniles assaulted a Lauderdale County man and his 14-ye...
The Donald, as he is known as a celebrity, will announce his 2016 intentions on Tuesday at a Manhattan skyscraper that bears his name.
Donald Trump is the latest candidate in the 2016 GOP field. I will "immediately terminate President Obama's executive order on immigration," he says, and build a wall on the Mexican border.
A sex attacker from Dagenham, east London targeted Muslim women because he had a fetish for hijabs. Emmanuel Ndegwe, 25, was jailed in March for forcing himself on several Somali women after following them into their homes in 2013 and
A video discovered on a cartel commander's cell phone shows a man and child executed with sticks of dynamite.
After years of 'diplomatic' reticence former envoy to the US removes the gloves.
Either Hillary Clinton inaccurately stated that she turned over all of the official emails she sent or received as secretary of state, or the State Department failed to make them available to the Hous
Geraldo: 'I Think That Jeb Bush in Some Ways Is More Latino Than Marco Rubio'
The former NAACP leader who resigned as president of the organization’s Spokane, Wash., chapter after being accused of lying about her race says she identifies as an African-American.
Monynihan issued his warning as the out-of-wedlock birth rate among blacks hit 25 percent. Today, the problem Moynihan identified has grown much larger and sprawls across many more demographic groups, as scholar Charles Murray showed in Coming Apart, his 2013 book on poor white neighborhoods. In 1965, the out-of-wedlock birth rate among whites was just 3 percent Now it is 29 percent, well beyond the tipping point Moynihan was alarmed by in the black community 50 years ago. The number of out-of-wedlock births has hit 72 percent among blacks and 53 percent among Hispanics
The 2016 election cycle is critical for both our country and our Party. After eight years of failed leadership in the White House, it is time to elect a Republican President. To make this happen, we need to build the largest and most diverse group of supporters and staff dedicated to engaging voters earlier and participating more actively in this election than ever before.
Phrases such as “America is the land of opportunity” and “America is a melting pot are micro-aggressions that could leave some students feeling discriminated against, according to a new faculty training guide put out by the University of California that one former professor in the system shows how crazy its become.