
Money isn’t everything, and it certainly isn’t the only thing in presidential campaigns. Still, as former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush officially enters the 2016 presidential campaign today, there's going...


The Clinton Foundation never rewarded donors with political favors and accusations to the contrary are “personal attacks” that prove other politicians are scared of Hillary Rodham Clinton, former President Bill Clinton said Sunday.


Immigration officials now say they are implementing changes that will allow them to notify state and local law enforcement when they release sex offenders. But for years, sometimes they did and sometimes they didn’t. And American cities and towns paid the price.


Immigrant Heritage Month prompts a check-up on enforcement.


Jeb Bush will formally launch his 2016 White House bid on Monday searching for momentum to break out of a crowded field for the Republican presidential nomination, but expecting a long battle


Of course some people are in genuine need, but it is nothing compared to previous generations - who would kill to be poor in today's society


Extra has posted a video interview with President Obama on YouTube and the president wants you to know that he responds all kinds of messages, even the ones calling him an idiot. “I get ten letters a night out of 40,000 letters and emails and messages that we get, some of them are just saying thank you for something, some of them are saying you’re an idiot,” Obama said in the Thursday interview. “I try to address their concerns,” Obama said. Naturally, most of the messages he receives thank him for the difference he has made in people's lives.


Hillary campaign chairman John Podesta argued that "circumstances change" when pressed over Hillary Clinton's flip-flopping, even though her value set remains


"Whatever you think of Reagan, you have to admit, he had a black belt in badassery..."


LONDON (AP) — A week ago, Tim Hunt was a well-known Nobel Prize winner who was promoting science education throughout Europe and the world.


Gavin McInnes of TheRebel.media notes that Canadian "multiculturalism" and "diversity" means different things when different groups are involved. So while a ...


It has been referred to by self-governing activists as the best kept secret of the Constitution, put in last-minute by the founders as a way for citizens to reign in the federal government in case it got too big and too powerful. It’s Article V, and it reads as follows: “The Congress, whenever two thirds …


Establishment Republicans desperately trying to secure the passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), which would give President Obama fast-track authority to secure congressional approval of at least three secretive trade deals, are now willing to increase taxes on small businesses in a way that would violate a pledge almost every Republican Congressman has taken when elected into office.


UPDATE (June 14, 7:52 a.m.): Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is expected to announce his White House run on Monday. Last year, we looked at where he falls on the ideological spectrum. On Tuesday, form...


Hillary’s speech announced her intent to fight for the members of her coalition, at the expense of those outside of it.


Taylor Johnson, a Department of Homeland Security whistleblower, testified Thursday that the 'retaliation' against her for disclosing gross mismanagement, fraud and waste in a controversial visa program was so bad, she was told she couldn't 'carry or own a personal weapon,' a violation of her 2nd Amendment rights. Worse yet, she almost lost custody of her one-year-old child when a social worker was erroneously told that she had been terminated over a criminal offense.Johnson, a senior special agent in the DHS Investigations division of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, testified at a Senate hearing Thursday alongside other whistleblowers from several other agencies who claim to have faced similar reprisals.Speaking before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Johnson told lawmakers she ran into trouble after investigating the fraud-ridden EB-5 program, which offers visas to investors.Via Fox News:


Hillary Rodham Clinton has always consciously chosen her identities. She’s been a good wife in pink, defending her First Family’s “zone of privacy.” She’s been a grudging bureaucrat in grey, holding off the press with legalese over her tech travails. She’s been a prolific public speaker, earning a pretty penny from...


Cruz and Obama dishonestly refuse to mention the fact that TPA destroys the voting thresholds that the Constitution and Senate Rules place on trade deals.


The degenerate left-wing liars in the mainstream media, specifically ABC News here, predicted in 2008 that by 2015 New York City would be underwater. Gas over $9 a gallon? A carton of milk costs almost $13? Welcome to June 12,


The Clinton administration had bankrupted the intelligence community and refused to let the CIA prioritize anti-terrorism over other major priorities in the late 1990s, leaving the agency stretched too thin in the days ahead of the 2001 terrorist attacks, former Director George J. Tenet said in a 2005 document declassified Friday.