This is not good. Apparently conservatives in Wisconsin are being targeted by officials for working with budget reforms, and their houses are literally being invaded by police and their stuff is ca...
Peter Schweizer, fending off attacks from the left, is also investigating the other elephant in the room.
Hillary’s email troubles are only a symptom of the actual disease.
Slate covers Peter Schweizer's upcoming book "Clinton Cash" and Hillary Clinton's dismissal of the Clinton Foundation corruption it alleges.
Republicans face the unpleasant specter of a legal win and a political loss.
Columnist Charles Krauthammer dubbed the Clinton Foundation "a gigantic access influence machine"
The “vast right-wing conspiracy” is back. That was the phrase Hillary Clinton herself used to describe the villainous puppet masters behind the Monica Lewinsky scandal back in 1998. And now, her ca...
Juan Williams: NRA Whipping White America into Hysteria Over Gun Control
As the Russian atomic energy agency gradually took charge of a company that controls one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States, a stream of cash made its way to former President Bill Clinton’s charitable organization.
The effects of climate change are obvious and dire. To stem the tide -- literally and figuratively -- even educated experts are now pitching ideas straight out of science fiction.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign on Wednesday rejected the allegation in a new book that she watered down Iran sanctions to please a corporation that paid Bill Clinton a fortune in speaking fees.
President Obama never used the words "executive action" in public until nearly three years into his presidency. Now announcements of executive actions have become a routine, almost daily occurrence.

Seen in Chattanooga today...

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

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Gravity Payments has seen dozens of new clients and 3,500 job applicants since it set minimum pay at $70,000.
Demos President Heather McGhee argued that "as a country, in our culture, have any collective acknowledgement that slavery happened"
In a windowless classroom at an Arcadia tutoring center, parents crammed into child-sized desks and dug through their pockets and purses for pens as Ann Lee launches a PowerPoint presentation.
Must we ostracize and condemn every person who doesn't support gay marriage?
Immigrants will account for more than one in seven U.S. residents in just eight years, the Center for Immigration Studies reports.
A New York judge has granted personhood to chimpanzees. No word on if they plan to run for the Democrat nomination. For the first time in U.S. history, chimpanzees have been granted certain Constitutional rights. The chimpanzees -- Hercules and…
Republicans are terrified of being called "xenophobic" and losing votes for wanting to limit illegal immigration. Well, here's a surprise: A new report suggests taking a strong stand against loose immigration enforcement will be strongly supported by voters.
Appearing on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Wednesday, Hardball host Chris Matthews sounded the alarm over the left-wing being in disarray: "The Democratic Party is not unified right now. It's coming apart, you can see it, it's devolving. And so everybody – it's every man for himself, every politician for themselves right now."
Legal and illegal immigrants will hit a record high of 51 million in just eight years and eventually account for an astounding 82 percent of all population growth in America, according to new U.S. Census figures. A report from the Center for Immigration Studies that analyzed the statistics said that by 2023, one in seven U.S. residents will be an immigrant, rising to one in five by 2060 when the immigrant population totals 78 million. The report was provided to Secrets and released Wednesday evening. RELATED: The killer question of immigration reform The surge in immigrant population, both legal and illegal, threatens to slam into the presidential campaign as GOP candidates move to figure out what their position is and the president tries to use executive powers to exempt some 5 million illegals from deportation.  