Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television said an Iranian "force" seized a U.S. cargo ship in the Gulf on Tuesday and directed it to the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas.
The court will likely hand down its ruling in June.
That is quite the rap sheet. Here are some things that you should know about Freddy Gray.
Marc Lamont Hill, a Morehouse College professor and regular CNN commentator, embraced radical violence in the streets during an interview Monday on CNN.

Hillary’s Cynical Song of Self

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

WSJ Global View columnist Bret Stephens writes that the Clintons are counting on America to digest their ethical lapses the way a python swallows a goat.
Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke dropped a bomb on FOX News today. The good sheriff blamed failed liberal policies on today's rioting in Baltimore and Ferguson...

The Gods will not save you

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The gods are fucking you, you find a way to fuck them back.


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Voters identify the GOP as the party of the rich. Candidate
Since Obama became President and started subtly supporting race-baiting and cop-hating, mob violence is back in style.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday revived religious objections by Catholic groups in Michigan and Tennessee to the Obamacare requirement for contraception coverage, throwing out a lower court decision favoring President Barack Obama's administration. The justices asked the...
by Paul Joseph Watson, INFOWARS The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase over 62 million rounds of ammo typically used in AR-15 semi-automatic rifles, just weeks after the ATF was forced to back down on a ban on M855 bullets. A posting on FedBizOpps.gov this week reveals that the DHS is looking to contract with a company to provide 12.6 million rounds of .223 Remington ammunition per year for a period of five years – totaling 62.5 million bullets. The solicitation explains that the purchase is intended, “to achieve price savings over the current .223 Rem duty ammunition.” The bullets will be used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents nationwide for “training” purposes. The .223 Remington is one of the most common rifle cartridges in use in the United States and is used both in bolt action rifles and semi-automatic rifles such as the AR-15 and the Ruger Mini-14. In 2013, following concerns about the DHS buying large quantities of several different types of ammunition, weapons manufacturers noted that the feds may have been attempting to control the ammunition market by forcing manufacturers to hold back stock from general sale. “If they periodically do this in increments, they’re going to control how much ammo is available on the commercial market,” a weapons manufacturer  told Michael Savage, adding that the contracts with bullet manufacturers stipulate that everything made goes to the government as the number one priority before it is allowed to enter the commercial market. In March 2013, Californian Congressman Doug LaMalfa and 14 of his House peers wrote a letter to the Department of Homeland Security demanding to know why the federal agency was buying so many rounds of ammunition and whether the purchases were part of a deliberate attempt to restrict supply to the American people. “The extraordinary level of ammunition purchases made by Homeland Security seems to have, in states such as my own, created an extreme shortage of ammunition to the point where many gun owners are unable to purchase any,” LaMalfa wrote in the letter. The bulk purchase follows attempts by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms to ban M855 ammo, another popular round for AR-15’s used by hunters. The ATF justified the ban by claiming that the bullets were “armor piercing” and a threat to law enforcement officers. After being on the receiving end of a huge backlash, the feds were forced to back down and ATF director B. Todd Jones subsequently tendered his resignation. Democratic Congressman Steve Israel called the ATF backdown “cowardly” and vowed to revive the ban. The ATF’s threat to ban the ammo temporarily caused prices of the bullet to surge more than double in price. Although federal agencies are increasingly hiding their purchases by limiting public information on fbo.gov, it can still be conservatively estimated from available data that the feds have purchased at least 2.11 billion rounds of ammunition since April 2012. That’s enough ammo to kill around 30% of the world’s population. Furthermore, U.S. soldiers were shooting around 5.5 million rounds of ammunition per month during the war in Iraq, or 66 million rounds annually. Using that figure, the feds have stockpiled enough ammo over the past two years to fight a 32-year war.
For 10 people who agreed with God, He would have spared Sodom, but as long as even 1 person says "that's so gay," all Christians must be silenced.
Announcing his presidential bid this month, Sen. Rand Paul said he wants to repeal “any law that disproportionately incarcerates people of color.” Fulfilling this promise would require gutting murd...

We’re Addicted To Judgment Porn

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Social media networks have become the number-one distributors of judgment porn, where people get high on another person’s low.
Seven Baltimore police officers were injured on Monday as rioters threw bricks, broke windows, looted businesses and burned patrol cars in violent protests following the funeral of a black man who ...
Activist weighs in on 'The Kelly File'
Things have gotten way out of control in Baltimore County following the death of Freddie Gray, but at least one mother is doing her best to make sure her son doesn't get caught up in the rioting. Look what one CNN news crew caught live on camera: The craziest thing is that we're pretty certain Baltimore?
A Maryland facility offering the abortion pill is part of a push among advocates to be unapologetic.
The Clinton Foundation’s finances are so messy that the nation’s most influential charity watchdog put it on its “watch list” of problematic nonprofits last month. The Clinton family’s mega-charity...
The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is spending $84,000 to study how churches can be used to combat climate change.
A CNN correspondent covering the Baltimore anti-police riots live indicated rioters were openly hostile towards “anyone… who was not African-American.” (WATCH: Rioting Punk Taken Down By Baltim
A state of emergency has been declared in Baltimore as the city transforms into 'an absolute war zone' just hours after the funeral of 25-year-old Freddie Gray.
Risk created by the hiding of weapons at UN premises being used as emergency shelters.
Nicole Eramo is the associate dean of students who heads the sexual misconduct board at the University of Virginia. She was also the villain of the now-infamous and recently retracted Rolling Stone story about the gang rape of a freshman named Jackie that never happened at a UVA fraternity. In...