A leader of the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP) who spoke at the March for Marriage in Russellville, Arkansas Saturday was interrupted in her address when LGBT activists with protest signs and rainbow flags ran up on the stage with her, attempting to disrupt the event.
Naloxone isnt magic, but its power to rescue a heroin user from the brink of death can certainly seem miraculous. The anti-overdose drug, also known by the brand name Narcan, is easy to administer and has saved thousands of lives.
"I've gotta give it to the citizens of Baltimore," Rep. Elijah Cummings said.

Bush Finally Lets Loose on Obama

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The last president bashes the White House on Iran and ISIS.
Former Maryland governor and presidential hopeful Martin O’Malley told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Sunday global warming is the most important “natural threat” facing the U.S. Calling globa
The NOOOOT ripped into the panel on ABC this morning and laid out the argument against Hillary Clinton using law laid out in the Constitution. Watch below: The Hillary camp was so afraid of Newt's ...
You will not be tolerated.
Does the age of a presidential candidate matter? (Remember: Ronald Reagan was just 17 days shy of his 70th birthday when he became president of the United States.) If Hillary Clinton were to win in 2016, at 69 years and 86 days old, she would be the second oldest president...
The Crime Prevention Research Center's John Lott discusses a new study put out by Pew Research Center, which finds that support for gun rights has increased and, for the first time, protecting gun…
Several thousand people including religious leaders marched in Washington on Saturday against same-sex marriage as the US Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments on the deeply divisive issue in the coming days. Currently, individual states are responsible for determining marriage laws, with 37 out of 50 US states and the capital Washington legalizing gay unions. "We will not be silenced... we are not alone," Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, told the crowd to cheers.
If you believe that Christians are more tolerant than Saudis, according to the Gaystapo, you don’t exist. That’s LGBT moral equivalence for you.
In my previous entry, I noted that "why" gay marriage should be "the law of the land" is vitally important.  This writer has no idea how the Court will rule, although many feel that it is a foregone conclusion.  There are some considerations that give me pause to reach that conclusion.  It will be interesting to see if these issues enter oral argument at any | Read More
Check your privilege . . . in absentia?
Contrary to what is widely reported, the Clinton Foundation never agreed to stop raising money from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. Such funding should have been o...
FNC’s Bret Baier hosts this compelling special which examines the scandalous details surrounding the Clinton Foundation highlighted in the soon to be release...

Feminism 2.0

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

We hear it all the time: "America is patriarchal!", "American women are oppressed!". Well, a lifelong feminist and former National Organization for Women mem...

Blame Baltimore Riots on Obama

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The seeds of what happened yesterday in Baltimore were sown by President Obama going back to the Trayvon Martin case when his DOJ funded protest marches. It’s called community organizing and that’s who Barack Obama is since he took office. Like no...

Introduction to Objectivism

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Short Introduction to Philosophy and Objectivism Objectivism is the philosophy developed by Ayn Rand and dramatized in her novels, such as The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand held that, f...
Students are taking issue with Lexington Public Schools changing the theme of an ‘American Pride’ dance.
“[I]f income redistribution policies are the solution to shrinking the gap between rich and poor, why do they fail so miserably in the states?”
(Reuters) - The Clinton Foundation's acting chief executive admitted on Sunday that the charity had made mistakes on how it listed government donors on its tax returns and said it was working to make sure
This is part of an occasional series exploring gun culture in Pennsylvania. For the first time in nearly two decades, a majority of Americans favor the protection of gun rights over expanded gun control and believe firearms help prevent being a victim of crime, a study by the Pew Research Center reports. The survey shows 52 percent of respondents saw gun rights as more important than controlling gun ownership, up from 45 percent in 2012. Additionally, 57 percent of respondents said guns help prevent becoming a victim of crime, up from 48 percent in 2012. The shift in attitudes about firearms has come as gun sales have increased nationwide. In Pennsylvania, the rise in sales and transfers (person-to-person transaction overseen by a dealer) over the past few years has been dramatic. State
The far-left activists of the Big Gay Hate Machine are on the loose in Congress.
Kshama Sawant, a socialist and a member of the Seattle, Wash. City Council, is paying no fewer than five campaign staff employees as independent contractors — thus evading the payment of payroll tax