On April 13, 2015, The Massachusetts Daily Collegian, a student paper at the University of Massachusetts, published a column titled Deal with Iran is a bad one. The piece was written by a conservative student attending UMass Amherst, and it explains why the recent framework of a deal with Iran is potentially “a dangerous one with disconcerting historic parallels.”
The White House is backing a move to end some psychotherapies for transgender children. This is risky and could lead to more suicides.
About 70 percent of student voters approved a referendum to create the Magis Scholars Fund.
Today is tax day in America. As always, it features a lot of confusion with tax forms, some rushed trips to the post office and a whole lot of heartburn as taxpayers are reminded just how much they paid in taxes over the previous year. Despite the fact that every … »
Sen. Rand Paul’s abortion question is beginning to haunt Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz – thanks to some in the media. During a CNN interview on April 14, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) refused to cite any acceptable restrictions on abortion – and deemed the decision to abort a 7-pound baby a “personal liberty.” The abortion question continued to follow her during a Fox interview where she couldn’t pick a “specific date and time” for when life begins. 
Hillary Clinton's son-in-law Marc Mezvinsky is a hedge fund manager for Eaglevale Partners, LP—although he may not be a very skilled one. Mezvinsky married Chelsea Clinton, Bill and Hillary's daughter, in 2010.
"The Convention Of States is the last recourse for Americans to rein in our out of control Federal government, because D.C. will never fix itself!" - Sarah Palin
Why a fundamental misunderstanding of our founding document is at the heart of Washington’s dysfunction.
MILAN (AP) — The International Organization for Migrants says 41 migrants are feared drowned in a new Mediterranean shipwreck.

Stop the Election Propaganda

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The liberal media want to sway the election. It's up to us to ensure that they don't get away with it—and we can't do so without your support. Make your best gift to the MRC today, and when you do, you'll make DOUBLE the impact!
The president is relying on the ignorance of the American public to sell his appeasement policies.
This information was part of the University of Pittsburgh's "Gender-Inclusive/Non-Sexist Language Guidelines and Resources" document.
Judicial Watch is reporting that rather than working to protect Americans, the FBI's reaction to a report of an ISIS cell in Mexico, eight miles outside of the United States was to hold a "spin" meeting with the US Consulate...
Republicans declared victory over President Obama after passing a bipartisan bill designed to stifle Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran.
Donald Trump may run for president. If elected, he vows he'd end this kind horrendous negotiating by Republicans.
Hamas has been exposed as using trained child soldiers. Now they have displayed a picture of a 5-year-old soldier on their Facebook page.
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.comMEGYN KELLY, HOST, "THE KELLY FILE": Breaking tonight with three republicans and Hillary Clinton all working the campaign trail, tonight for the first time in
Should we be surprised that Hillary Clinton has come up with perhaps the worst presidential campaign logo in American history?  This is a woman that has never seemed to be able to do much of anything right, and yet at ? Continue reading ?
House Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy reported Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, and Sidney Blumenthal would be on his witness list
Like all efforts to measure true popularity and influence using Internet hits, it's interesting and relevant, because we live in the social media era, but such popularity is also fickle and easily faked. It seems like most politicians have tumbled to the idea of building up "Astroturf" political support, so they can brag about impressive numbers of Twitter followers and Facebook friends.
The Edward Snowden story is a rare beast: you can’t predict how people will feel about it. And they usually feel very strongly one way or the other. Snowden is either a hero who can do no wrong, or a traitor
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) gave Social Security numbers (SSNs) to 541,000 illegal aliens, according to an April 10 letter to Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) from Carolyn Colvin, acting commis
The Internal Revenue Service has placed a tax lien on Melissa Harris-Perry and her husband, James Perry, for about $70,000 in delinquent taxes, according to a notice filed in Forsyth County Hall of Justice earlier this month.
Muslims trying to get from Libya to Italy in a boat threw 12 fellow passengers overboard, killing them, because they were Christians, Italian police say.