A new CNN poll finds that just 12% of Americans consider the Obamacare program a
A land dispute is creating tension between miners in Josephine County and the Bureau of Land Management. The owners of the mines say they are afraid their rights to due process will not be respected and have now called in reinforcements.
WASHINGTON — Sen. Chuck Schumer apologized today after word got out that he called a flight attendant a “bitch” for ordering him to follow the rules and turn off his cellphone before takeoff. And h...

The Alinsky Way of Governing

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In The Wall Street Journal, Pete Peterson writes about what happens when those in power adopt ‘rules for radicals’ to attack their less powerful opponents.

Iran’s $300 Billion Shakedown

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Sanctions relief should be a reward for ending Iran’s nuke program. But the current deal is a massive payment to temporarily put it on hold.
Listeners of the BBC World Service’s World Have Your Say programme were treated to a bizarre analysis of the Star Wars franchise today by a caller who claimed that “Dark Raider” was a “racial stereotype” who listened to rap music and
The bill drew sharp criticism from key Republicans in Congress.
How does Hillary Clinton appeal to an ever-more-radicalized Democratic party base these days? By talking up amending the First Amendment.
The boy was defending his mother's use of a drug that helps her deal with an awful condition.

Hillary Clinton's Chipotle Order

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Hillary Clinton & her campaign team strategize her Chipotle order. SUBSCRIBE to Above Average Network: http://bit.ly/LlHUTM LATEST from Above Average Playlis...
Scientific research to understand prevent suicide, now the 10th leading cause of death in American, is "meager" and falls far behind money spent to cure other diseases that kill far fewer people, according
WATCH: ‘Hillary Clinton’s Chipotle Order’ -
The network of more than 1,000 motion detectors, similar to those used to film wildlife, have been placed strategically in areas that have not been secured.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on Friday called for a gradual increase in the retirement age that would not affect people who are either receiving Social Security benefits or are close to receiving them.
Above all, America needs a virtuous candidate. We cannot seek perfection, because humans aren’t perfect, but we can seek virtue.
Mark Brewer is a decorated Air Force veteran who fought in the global war on terror. But last month, he became a casualty in the drug war.
It seems many students at the University of Washington can’t think of any reason why they should vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016 -- other than her gender.
The author and syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer talks to Bill Kristol about his distinguished career in writing and ideas.


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Learn more about Hillary Clinton: http://bit.ly/1CIEn6U
Why are the Democrats running for president so old? Blame the Clintons. There are five Democrats who have either declared or are thinking about running for president. Three — Joe Biden, Bernard Sanders, and Jim Webb — will be over 70 years old on Inauguration Day 2017. Frontrunner Hillary Clinton will be nine months short of 70. Only Martin O'Malley, who will turn 54 a couple of days before the 2017 swearing-in, has not reached retirement age already. In 2008, Democrats had a 47 year-old candidate who mesmerized the party and ran away with the votes of Americans aged 18 to 29. Republicans, meanwhile, ran a 72 year-old man whose reputation was based on heroism in a war 40 years earlier. Youth won. This time the situation is reversed. The average age of the Republican field is far below the Democrats, with every candidate younger than Clinton. The most senior is Jeb Bush, who will be 64 on Inauguration Day. Scott Walker will be 49; Marco Rubio will be 45; Ted Cruz, 46; Rand Paul, 54; Chris Christie, 54; Mike Huckabee, 61; Bobby Jindal, 45. Although Bush is in the older range, they're all in the career sweet spot to win the White House.
Stevenson College is apologizing to its students for serving Mexican food during "Intergalactic" night. In a letter sent out to students, the college apologized for having "a Mexican food buffet," ...
The USDA is proposing regulations for seafood, following its controversial regulation proposal on beef.
On April 14, Breitbart News reported that country singers Tim McGraw and Billy Currington will be headlining a gun control fundraiser for Sandy Hook Promise on July 17.
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has joined Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid in calling for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to abandon his pre-election promise to fight President Obama’s executive amnesty by holding a vote to confirm U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch as Attorney General.