It's a devastating report on a terribly flawed piece of journalism. It was already abundantly clear that Rolling Stone's story on an alleged gang rape at a University of Virginia fraternity house was a
Legal battles in Illinois and California over “fair share” payments could affect millions of workers nationwide and impact both public and private unions.
Dr. Ben Carson, a possible 2016 candidate, took calls from the public in an open teleforum to answer where he stands on a range of issues.
The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
Columnist George Will points out that Apples openly gay CEO, Tim Cook, thinks Indiana is a terrible place. (But) He opened marketing and retail operations in Saudi Arabia two months before a man was sentenced to 450 lashes for being gay.
There are very few government checks on what America’s sweeping surveillance programs are capable of doing. John Oliver sits down with Edward Snowden to disc...
Rick Santorum says he'd hoped Indiana Gov. Mike Pence would veto the "fix" to his state's religious freedom law rather than limiting its scope.
#TheRefinery crew discusses Andrew Peth's article "Doctrine, Hosea, and Klingenschmitt" (http://www.thepartyofchoice.com/articles1/doctrine-hosea-and-gordon-...
by Jason DeWitt | Top Right News As TRN has reported, Memories Pizza was ambushed by a liberal reporter who lied and said they refused to serve gays. A national lynch mob ensured, forcing them to close their doors out of safety concerns.
On Holy Saturday, The Washington Post took an old Sally Quinn interview (posted 36 days earlier, on February 27) so they could rip Christians on Easter weekend for their allegedly persistent anti-Semitism. Not the Muslims – no, the Christians. The original headline was “Jesus Was a Jew — Get Over It: A Q&A with award-winning writer James Carroll on how Christians misunderstand Jesus.” Carroll's book is titled Christ Actually: The Son of God for the Secular Age. In the Saturday paper, they presented it as a standard Jesus article with the headline: “Something astonishing about Jesus.” Yes, everyone who worships him is nearly a Nazi.

Driver’s license demand surges

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

California’s new program for unauthorized immigrant driver’s licenses has attracted more applicants than anticipated. Almost 500,000 have applied, double the expected number.
Gov Brown: Californians Will be Heavily Fined For Long Showers
None of it was real. Not the fraternity party at the University of Virginia one September night in 2012.
Emily Nussbaum with Lena Dunham at the 2014 National Magazine Awards where Nussbaum was honored for her New Yorker columns. Photo via IndieWire. Emily Nussbaum, TV critic for the New Yorker, took to her verified Twitter account on Sunday to…
DENVER (AP) — Like many sojourners to this country, Alejandro Fuentes Mena lives with uncertainty as U.S. immigration policy is debated in the courts, Congress and the White House. But as he awaits a final ruling on his…
The great pretense, the false suspense, the grand charade, the whole production number is about over.
LGBT activists and faculty at Stanford University succeeded Wednesday in forcing a nonpartisan, pro-sexual integrity student group to move a previously approved conference off Stanford’s Medical School campus.
Strangely enough, the host of HBO’s Last Week Tonight conducted arguably the toughest interview with Edward Snowden, taking him to task on the leaked NSA documents.
That photo is me about ten years ago, standing in the ruins of a land where people rejected the rule of law in favor of the rule of force. I think a lot about my year-long deployment to Kosovo these days.
A new State Department and Department of Homeland Security Program will fly immigrant children from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador to their parents in the U.S. for free.
The magazine retracted the article, whose flaws could have been exposed by editorial checks, an analysis says.
How hard is it to make toilet paper?
People given incorrect information will now have until Oct. 15 to file their taxes.
It's worth watching President Bill Clinton hail the virtues of the nuclear deal with North Korea, in this video from October 21, 1994: The video's more relevant now that President Barack Obama has announced his very own nuclear deal with another tyrannical regime, Iran.
Nothing upsets progressives like disagreeing with them. Like children throwing a fit because they cant get the toy they want, leftists become unhinged when confronted with a reality they dont like.