By Matt Vespa, TownhallIn a new Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll, the majority of Iraq/Afghanistan war veterans miss President George W. Bush. Sixty-five percent called the 43rd president a good
See how Hillary's first campaign stop was for an average Iowan...
Is “nondiscrimination” really a fundamental principle on a par with religious freedom? And, for that matter, do we even know what “nondiscrimination” means, or what it implies
A man who met Hillary over coffee on Tuesday said the campaign's Iowa political director recruited him and two others to drop in on the seemingly spontaneous event – and drove them there.
Okay maybe I'm just a little excited here but I think this is a great clip that showcases Ted Cruz's prowess on the issues, and in this case the Second Amendment, background checks and public opini...
Standard & Poor's slashes sovereign bonds as Athens' budget surplus shrinks by more than two-thirds
Religious oppression was one reason many of our ancestors came to America. They wanted to escape rulers who demanded that everyone worship their way. In Ireland, Catholics couldn't vote or own a gun.
Prominent Libertarian Frank Worley-Lopez and former Lieutenant Governor Kenneth D. McClintock go head to head over a Puerto Rico in crisis and at a crossroads.
He's party elders' best shot at countering Rand Paul and keeping themselves relevant.

Walker edges Bush in South Carolina

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Walker and Bush are the front-runners of a packed field in the early-voting state.
You don’t have to be Jewish to be amazed at the chutzpah behind the charges of “traitor” Hillary Clinton’s supporters are firing at Mayor de Blasio. Given Clinton’s long record of infidelity to tru...
Is Hillary a vegan? Does Marco have a twin? And other pressing questions on voters' minds
Grover Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform, has been re-elected to the board of the National Rifle Association but will temporarily cease board activities amid an investigation into his alleged connection with radical Islamists, TheBlaze has learned. "He has voluntarily suspended his Board activities pending the...
Former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was asked in an official congressional inquiry from former House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) about whether she used a private email for government work as far back as 2012.
Loretta Lynch, Barack Obama’s nomination for Attorney General to replace the awful Eric Holder at long last, has met a speed bump in her confirmation battle in the Senate. Democrats are blocking a human trafficking bill due to an amendment which further bans federal funding for abortions. Until this bill goes through Congress, Lynch’s confirmation will have to wait. This doesn’t sit too well with professional agitator Al Sharpton, whose National Action Network has staged a hunger strike to fast-track the confirmation progress. However, I’m not sure Sharpton or his followers have actually looked at Lynch’s positions because they might be more than a little surprised about her history. Here are some areas where Sharpton and Lynch may have minor disagreements. Death Penalty In her confirmation hearing, Lynch was asked by Senator Lindsey Graham (R – South Carolina) whether she believes in the death penalty. Lynch responded “I believe that the death penalty is an effective penalty” and said she has pursued it in the past. This should be concerning based on the fact that, as one study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences concluded 1 in 25 people sentenced to death are innocent. Even if this number is exaggerated, just one innocent person sentenced to death is a travesty but Lynch does not seem to concern herself with these ramifications. More to the point, this stance is in conflict with Al Sharpton’s own stance on the issue. In a piece he wrote for the Huffington Post last year entitled “The Death Penalty Must Go,” Sharpton says “my humanity will not allow me to watch another person die…” and “the process itself is cruel and in one of the most modern countries on the planet, there is simply no place for it.” This is a strong indictment of capital punishment but Sharpton’s support for Lynch suggests he does not extend the moral imperative to stop capital punishment to the person actually in a position to do something about it. Civil Asset Forfeiture Al Sharpton has been lauded by President Obama as “the voice of the voiceless and a champion for the downtrodden,” which he prominently displays on his website. One would think, then, that Sharpton would support any and all ways to aid poor communities and allow minority groups a chance to get ahead. One of the major systems holding these communities back is civil asset forfeiture, or law enforcement’s ability to take property and cash from people who are only suspected, not charged, with a crime. Voices from the Governor of New Mexico (a Republican), to the ACLU have said this program hurts poor and minority communities the most. Loretta Lynch, as United State Attorney, raked in more than $113 million from asset forfeiture between 2011 and 2013. It’s interesting that a man like Sharpton who purports to be the champion of the poor will stage a hunger strike in support of a public official who has made a career preying on poor and minority communities. Clearly Sharpton has no clue who he is supporting for Attorney General. Her being Pro-drones and anti-marijuana legalization should similarly give him pause, which they clearly don’t. Based on these positions I hope Sharpton has to re-think his hunger strike because the confirmation can get held up forever as far as I’m concerned. 
Hillary Clinton's effort to meet with some ordinary Iowa college students during her van tour have apparently inconvenienced those unlucky enough to be caught in her path, according to the Independen
Enhanced video of the Walter Scott shooting shows that there is more to the story than the media is portraying. On the first day we saw the North Charleston, South Carolina, shooting video of Walter Scott by Officer Michael... #conservativetreehouse #dashcam #northcharlestonpolice
Because for the Clintons, see, it's not about money
In a piece on these pages this week, Naomi Schaefer Riley contemplates the warnings she will give her future college-bound daughter about the dangers to women on college campuses and the wisdom of ...
Former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is “hiding” from the American people with a deliberately underwhelming and stage crafted rollout, Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Tuesday morning.
The administration is deporting fewer criminal aliens than it did last year, according to new statistics released Tuesday that undercut President Obama’s justification for his new amnesty, which he said was intended to free agents to focus on the most dangerous of criminals by focusing on “felons not families.”
Here's what we must know about this epic road trip taking place in a black vehicle Clinton has deemed her "Scooby Doo van."
At the screening area of the Denver International Airport, a male TSA officer felt the urge to cup the private areas of attractive men. And he acted on it.
Watch: Media Make Mad Dash for Hillary 'Mystery Machine' Van in Iowa