
As this week's Earth Day approaches, it's clear that the massive mismanagement of US natural resources by the federal authorities is a blight on the nation.


In today's post, Sarah Palin explains why the "runaway convention" myth is just that: a myth.


Debbie Wasserman-Schultz thinks aborting full-term babies should be legal. But that’s not the most extreme abortion policy Democrats support.


Rand Paul has been allowed to preview a new book detailing the connections between Hillary Clinton while at her time at the State Department, and millions of contributions from foreign countries to...


Former Oklahoma Republican Senator Tom Coburn is trying to spread the word that the U.S. government added $6 trillion in unfunded tax liabilities last year. FNC's Neil Cavuto hosts.
NEIL CAVUTO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL: How do you wake people up to the urgency of this ticking time bomb [of debt]?
FORMER SENATOR TOM COBURN: Well, the markets are eventually going to recognize it.
When the bid to cover ratio on ten year bonds all of a sudden drops because the people who are purchasing our debt recognize our unfunded liabilities, even though we don't, and say hey this is a bad deal.
NEIL CAVUTO: But they haven't done that, have they senator? The argument is that we're pathetic, but compared to the rest of the world, we're like the tallest midget in the room; so we benefit. But it won't go on forever?
TOM COBURN: It won't go on forever. Everything continues as it does until it doesn't, and nobody can predict the future. But the point is, here's the point I'd make. We have a Congress today, run by Republicans, a Democratic president. It is an ideal time to fix the very key things that so many of the people in this country are really depending on. Next year Social Security disability trust fund will be out of money. We've known that for ten years. Nobody on the Finance Committee, other than me when I was there, nobody on Ways & Means in the House has addressed this issue.
And yet next year it's going to run out of money.
What we do is we wait until the crisis happens and then put in a fix that doesn't really fix it over the long run.
So, the real question ought to be is, how do we fix our country and make it function the way it should be, and the way to do that is an Article 5 convention of the states, which is what I'm working on, grassroots all across the country, where the states and citizens take back the authority that is truly theirs -
NEIL CAVUTO: And let them fix it?
TOM COBURN: And they will.


Only in a borough that is home to 1.1 million immigrants would a 1963 treaty designed to protect foreign nationals figure in the most mundane of legal proceedings.


Mika Brzezinski Corrects The Record on David Brock's Laughable Defense of Hillary Clinton (April 21, 2015)


Government issues emergency decree forcing all state bodies to transfer funds to the central bank


An MSNBC political reporter who follows presidential candidates around says, based on the crowd response to Ted Cruz, that he might do 'unexpectedly' well in New Hampshire: Everybody keeps counting...


When liberals look at the poor, first and foremost, they see people who will vote for them in exchange for goodies. This gives liberals a perverse incentive to keep as many Americans mired in poverty as humanly possible.


GOP lawmakers push to change ATF law that forces race disclosures for gun buyers


Rand Paul said the allegations in "Clinton Cash" will make people say "'this is happening in America? How can this happen in America?"


Apparently, the simple presence of Christina Hoff Sommers on campus could be traumatizing.


Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a likely 2016 GOP presidential candidate, pledged to protect American workers from the economic effects, not only of illegal immigration but also of a massive increase in legal immigration, during an interview Monday morning.


The Footwear Cadets Were Allegedly Forced to Wear During Political Event March Has Sparked an Uproar
'As a combat vet this sickens me...'


As we all should know by now, the official government of Yemen fell earlier this year. Among those caught in the chaos that has ensued are a number of American citizens living in the country. The United States has evacuated its troops stationed at an air base in the country, but the fate of those not working for our government are locked in limbo. Writing | Read More »


The physical, emotional and unconstitutional abuse of Wisconsin conservative activists in the "John Doe" investigations.


The actions of a Democratic district attorney are taking a toll on the belief in government’s legitimacy.


Ted Cruz was on the Adam Carolla Show yesterday where they talked about everything from the IRS and tax reform to big government and career politicians. Give it a listen:


Otherwise baffled as to why the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and maths aren’t crammed full of women like psychology, social work and education, feminist activists have been leading a noisy campaign over the past few years to paint


Morris: Obama Sneaking in Unrestricted Immigration in TPA Trade Deal


We’re ready to talk about ISIS, Syria and Yemen, not just our nuclear program.
