America’s prisons have a severe overcrowding problem that’s breaking the bank. The U.S. has 4.4 percent of the world's population, but nearly a quarter of the world's prisoners, according to the latest study by the International Centre for Prison Studies. And the myriad flaws within the U.S. justice...
As Hillary Clinton prepares to launch her presidential campaign, a Quinnipiac Poll released Tuesday morning shows that nearly half of voters in key states dont view her as honest and trustworthy.
By now it's clear that the brutal gang rape reported last November in Rolling Stone did not occur. I write that, knowing full well the backlash I could receive from not adding the caveat that something could still have happened to Jackie, the accuser in the story. Activists have clung to the idea that something probably did happen to make a young woman tell a tale of a brutal gang rape and become a campus activist to keep the hoax claims isolated to a small subset. These same activists bent over backwards following the Charlottesville Police press conference last week to claim that Jackie probably wasn't lying, because such a false accusation flies in the face of statistics, as one CNN panelist said. Of course, the statistic that only 2 percent of reported rapes are false – doubtful anyway – only applies to rapes actually reported to police, which this one was not.
In a fawning softball interview with Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie spent the entire segment asking if the left-wing heroine was going to run for president, even to the point of suggesting Hillary Clinton wasn't liberal enough.  
An Ohio politician was interrupted by laughter from opposing party members during an impassioned speech in which she revealed that she had been raped.
The surprising remarks were reported by Atlantic journalist Jeffrey Goldberg in a recent article about the future of European Jewry.
Maybe the legion of consultants and pollsters are right...
Fifty years ago, in March 1965, 3,500 U.S. Marines landed in South Vietnam, the first American combat troops on the ground in a conflict that had been building for decades.
The ADL offers "tragic reminders that lethal anti-Semitism continues to pose a threat to American Jews and larger society as well.”
Olbermann to NCAA, NFL: Leave Indiana Over 'Religious Freedom' Law
Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) announced early Monday morning that he will be a presidential candidate for 2016.  This announcement has unfurled many Democratic blows to Cruz including harsh words from...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES By now, most of you have heard of the recent case in Colorado where an expecting mother answered a Craigslist ad for baby clothes, was attacked, and had the child cut from her womb, with the child dying in the process. As my colleague streiff noted yesterday, prosecutor Stanley Garnett has declined to charge Dynal Lane, the suspected attacker, | Read More »
The scale of Sen. Harry Reid’s injuries—a damaged, perhaps destroyed, right eye, a broken bone above the left eye, a battered right jaw sporting a large black and blue and purple bruise, and several broken ribs—were far beyond the scale of any injuries that could arise from merely having the end of a resistance band snap back.
Ann Coulter said it is "a real failing of the Republican National Committee" that liberal moderators are allowed to host GOP primary debates
On Thursday, Indiana governor Mike Pence signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) into law, and some celebrities, politicians, and journalists--including Miley Cyrus, Ashton Kutcher, and Hillary Clinton, just to name a few--are absolutely outraged. They say the law is a license to discriminate against gay people: 
He’s the Taliban, Sarah Palin, and Father Coughlin all rolled into one.
Apple CEO Tim Cook attacked Indiana this weekend for passing a religious freedom bill. Cook said, "There's something very dangerous happening in states across the country." Cook may believe Indiana's new law is very dangerous towards gays... But it's not…
This proves everything we suspected.
As a state senator, he apparently saw no controversy in protecting religious freedom.
While reporting on Monday’s NBC Nightly News with the latest from the Iranian side of the international talks in Switzerland over their nuclear program, Ann Curry smeared U.S. conservatives by likening them to radical hardliners in Iran’s Islamic regime: “As in the U.S., Iran has conservatives who don't trust the other side and they are ready to pounce if they believe negotiators give up too much.”

The New Intolerance

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Indiana isn’t targeting gays. Liberals are targeting religion, the Wall Street Journal writes in an editorial.
In what has been called the "Catholic moment" in America, in the late 1940s and 1950s, Catholics were admonished from pulpits to "live the faith" and "set an example" for others.
It's official! No, I'm not going to talk about how we officially have a Final Four lineup or even that Harry Reid is officially off the ticket for re-election (that "exercise injury" has been looking bad for months now). No, this is something much worse than Chuck Schumer as the next Minority Leader but could all the same could result in thousands of people losing their jobs. I'm talking about the announcement, coming on Tuesday, that the Obama Administration intends to offer a 28% emissions cut to the Gods of Global Warming.
My generation willfully ignores the real debate about gay rights and religious freedom because we want halos without sacrifice.
Opponents of the Act celebrated the "end" of Cruz's presidential aspirations.