Hillary Clinton wilts as swing states poll shows the fallout from scandal twin-bill of secret email servers and foreign buckraking.
Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has pulled ahead of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the key swing states of Iowa and Colorado in a hypothetical 2016 presidential election matchup.
So says a Silicon Valley CEO, describing the liberal echo chamber inside the tech industry that frigthens Republicans into silence: One startup CEO who has worked in Silicon Valley for more than a ...
For those that don’t know me, my name is Jason Vaughn and I am a celibate Christian homosexual. I don’t really know how to describe it as some say I shouldn’t associate myself as a gay man. I use it that way instead of “reformed homosexual” or “former homosexual” because I want to be clear that it is still a temptation I have to fight regularly and one I have failed at many times.
Walmart's right to sell firearms and ammunition is being threatened by a lawsuit.
Google employees donated $1.6 million to Obama's two White House bids. The president once offered to make the company's CEO Treasury secretary – or create a new cabinet post for him.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) invaded GOP establishment territory in low country South Carolina, speaking at the USS Yorktown here on his first trip to the early primary state as a declared 2016 candidate for president of the United States of America.
He's leaving out some details.
CNBC Reporter to Ted Cruz: Why Should People Listen When Your Facts Are Wrong
"What's a boy to do when the Vice President steals your pacifier?"
Dem Reps Call on Pelosi to Step Down as Their Leader -
India trying to rescue U.S. citizens stranded in war-torn Yemen.
The media only ask pro-lifers questions about abortion. It's far past time to ask radical pro-choice politicians some tough questions about their views.
VIDEO: "Financial reform will be one of the primary issues in 2016."
Rand Paul did conservatives a huge favor. Debbie Wasserman Schultz exposed the Democrat anti-woman, anti-choice culture. No explanation needed.
Presidential hopeful Rand Paul spent his first day as a candidate wooing New Hampshire conservatives and independents, and embracing the state motto, “Live Free Or Die,” as a guiding principle.
Recently adopted net neutrality regulations soon could make your monthly Internet bill more complicated — and potentially more expensive.
Everyone I spoke to in connection with this investigation was crystal clear that at no point did Sabrina Erdely or Rolling Stone ever contact them whatsoever, even to ask for background information. This is exactly the same lapse in journalistic standards that doomed the UVA story and ultimately led to its retraction. The fact that it occurred in this story is indication of a systemic problem with Rolling Stone and Sabrina Erdely’s reporting, not of a single lapse in judgment.
James Bond villain Yaphet Kotto talks 007 race issues, being the first black man in space - and turning down Star Trek
Carly Fiorina, former HP CEO and possible 2016 Republican presidential candidate, says the Obama Administration’s policies have disproportionately hurt both main street and women.
A wave of foreign migration threatens to grow welfare rolls and rob low-wage American workers of jobs.
We have great news to report from Vermont!

Scott Walker bests Obama on Iran

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Walker schools Obama in foreign policy