New net neutrality rules give the agency veto power over ISP innovations.
They thought she’d changed. They thought maybe she’d picked up a little bit from them about how people respond to awkward secret arrangements and contrived ways of not telling the full story. This has been a surprising two weeks for aides in President Barack Obama’s orbit as they’ve watched Hillary Clinton’s email mess...
Eric Holder visited Ferguson in August after Michael Brown was shot by Police Officer Darren Wilson. Last week Eric Holder released a report accusing the Ferguson police department of bias and racism. Protests picked up in Ferguson after the AG's…
Beginning with the unrest after the August 2014 shooting of Micheal Brown and that which followed the grand jury verdict in favor of Officer Darren Wilson, gun sales in Missouri are through the roof.
Competitive shooter Dustin Ellermann has found a creative way to prepare breakfast in the wild – he puts rashers of bacon around a silencer attached to an M1...
Sen. Rand Paul proposes a bold foreign policy move: arming the Kurds and allowing them to establish their own nation.
Lynch, Caldwell and Weissmann are a triumvirate of trouble for the rule of law.
Greece has threatened to seize German assets as compensation for Nazi war crimes – 70 years after the end of the Second World War.
Hillary acknowledging that it would have been better to use two email accounts is about as close to an apology from the Clintons you'll ever get. But the matter of

The Clinton Way

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

They play by their own rules. Will it work this time?
The FCC has just released the full rules to the public. Here's what they look like.
Robins gate guards change greeting from "blessed day" to "nice/good" day after complaint from non-religious military member
Fox News InsiderJudge Andrew Napolitano was asked this morning whether Attorney General Eric Holder has "fanned the flames" in Ferguson, Missouri, where two police officers were shot last night.The new
Just days before her nomination as attorney general goes to the Senate floor, Loretta Lynch is stubbornly stuck right around 50 votes — suggesting a confirmation fight the Obama administration once seemed certain to win with relative ease will go down to the wire. Barring an 11th-hour surprise, Lynch is likely to be confirmed. But with four GOP...
Stirred by the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was secretary of state, a determined band of hackers, IT bloggers, and systems analysts have trained their specialized talents and state-of-the-art software on clintonemail.com, the domain under which Clinton established multiple private email accounts, and uncovered serious lapses in security, according to data shared with Fox News.
Keyword search performed by Hillary Clinton's team automatically deleted emails that didn't find words her team selected.
Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) is “deeply concerned” about new Fed rules on the insurance industry.

Senator Tom Cotton's Letter to Iran

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

There is ample precedent for Sen. Cotton's actions.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, like all departing federal employees, was required to fill out and sign a separation statement affirming that she had turned over all classified and other government documents, including all emails dealing with official business. Fox News Megyn Kelly reported Wednesday evening on the requirement and that a spokesman for Clinton had not responded to a request for comment, including an explanation of when the former chief U.S. diplomat signed the mandatory separation agreement or, if she didn't, why didn't she. The Washington Examiner also asked Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill for comment late Wednesday but had received no response from him early Thursday. Clinton did not respond when asked about the issue earlier this week by the Associated Press. The issue was first raised Monday by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus.

Why America Invaded Iraq

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Why did America invade Iraq in 2003? Was it for oil? Or was it because Saddam Hussein was a mass-murdering dictator who harbored terrorists and threatened th...
Did Clinton falsely certify the return of all records upon her departure from State?
The 2016 presidential longshot wants to love American democracy to death.
Last week, the Wall Street Journal featured “A Better World, Run By Women,” a rather hilarious essay penned by Emory anthropology professor Melvin Konner. As more women gain power around...