A great piece on The Kelly file tonight highlighting anti-police bias by the mainstream media in the aftermath of the death of Tony Robinson, an 'unarmed' black teen in Madison who was shot by a wh...
Hillary Clinton's awful email press conference. No party up in there.
letters in The Wall Street Journal government worker pensions, Calpers, 401(k) for everyone else, unfair to taxpayers, irresponsible politicians
Chris Matthews might be trying to deflect from Hillary's email scandal, but I think he might be right in saying that there are even bigger problems with the foreign contributions to the Clinton Fou...
Researchers warn about the danger of benevolent-seeming wolves in sheeps' clothing.
Two police officers reportedly were shot early Thursday outside the police department in Ferguson, Mo.
Graham: We Sent Iran Letter Once Obama Told Congress to Go to Hell

Ferguson: The Pale Blue Dot

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Carl Sagan's poetic summary of the Ferguson Crisis Approved by Science(TM)! -- http://www.unz.com/isteve/blackwhite-arrest-ratios-ferguson-is-averageville-us...
White House Squirms Trying to Defend Hillary Clinton's Deletion of Thousand of Emails (March 11, 2015)
A presentation by Dr. Yaron Brook, President and Executive Director of the Ayn Rand Institute, at the Steamboat Institute Freedom Conference on August 23, 20...
The president of a black pastors coalition is angry that Pres. Obama compared the civil rights movement to that for same-sex marriage at the 50th anniversary of “Bloody Sunday.
Authorities arrested the operators of four Los Angeles-area trade schools for allegedly running an elaborate “pay-to-stay” scam in which foreign nationals used student visas to stay in the United States without actually going to school.
The IHRC gave their international ‘Islamophobe of the Year’ award to the left-wing French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo
It's anti-victim...and anti-human.
The ATF did what right-wingers live in fear of. They noticed.
Rand Paul, the Kentucky senator and 2016 Republican presidential hopeful, is leading an effort to repeal a tax law prized by President Obama but despised by millions of Americas who live and work outside the United States.
Tom Cotton's Letter to Iran Gets the Constitution Right -

Hillary Baggage

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

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Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

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What Matters: Keystone Pipeline

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

WHAT MATTERS. Alright so admit it, you probably don’t know quite as much about all of the issues as you might want to. I definitely don’t. but due to the 24 ...
FERGUSON, Mo. — Earlier on Wednesday Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson, whose department received scathing criticism from the Justice Department for racially biased policing, will resign March 19, city
Hillary Clinton gave a press conference about how and why she built a private server for her government communications. It went poorly. This poorly.
If Florida banned the terms "climate change" and "global warming" why do state department searches for those words return hundreds of results?
On Tuesday, the Oklahoma state House approved legislation that transfers the issuance of marriage licenses from the state to clergy members.