Deloitte, hired by California, uses mostly low-paid Indian nationals, under a visa program called H-1B, to process California's unemployment claims.
Whoa. The Soviet Union got racial equality right before America?
Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) says she has nothing to hide in her emails and that this scandal won't stop her from becoming president, if she decides to run.
Upon hearing the news of Hillary Clintons closeted email server, progressives went into their natural state attack mode.
State environmental officials ordered not to use the terms “climate change” or “global warming” in any government communications, emails, or reports, according to former employees, consultants, volunteers and records.
As the Democrats commemorate the 50th anniversary of Selma...Americans might want to consider the fact that Democrats were the party responsible for persecuting blacks in Selma... On this day in 1965, fifty years ago today, angry Democrats with billy... #bloodysunday #frankjohnson #georgewallace
The first family, Michelle Obama fresh from her annual Aspen ski vacation with her daughters, and President Obama back from a weekend of golf in sunny Palm Springs, Calif., have spent tens of millions in tax dollars to vacation, and they still have two more years to go, according to an accounting of their trips. As the first lady readies for a trip to Japan and Cambodia this month, Secrets calculated that the first family has racked up 38 holidays, working vacations, and fun trips like a date night in New York. They are on par to take at least 45 holidays before leaving office. RELATED: Obama spent more for dinner in Hawaii than his SOTU tax credit for families RELATED: Michelle Obama to spring break in Japan, Cambodia First lady Michelle Obama with her daughters, Sasha and Malia, in China last year. (White House Photo)
Anyone who thinks Tehran can be trusted with ‘any kind of nuclear capacity’ is ‘stupid,’ former New York mayor tells Iranian exiles at Berlin rally
It is rare for a major company to be accused of explicitly excluding a group of people -- particularly men.
Though some may think Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s positions on amnesty and Common Core make him a liberal, Bush claimed to Iowans on Friday that there is “nothing” in his record that would suggest that he is a moderate. In
WASHINGTON — Republican voters are divided in their support for Jeb Bush in the upcoming 2016 presidential race, according to results from a brand-new NBC Ne...
Hillary Clinton used a personal email address housed on her own server to conduct all business while Secretary of State. So why are we talking about the GOP?
This won't surprise anyone except the illegal alien advocates who keep saying that Obama has deported more people than anyone, which is not true. Now we know that more illegals are returning after ...
At a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing, Senator Jeff Sessions grilled EPA chief Gina McCarthy.
The Texan thinks criminal charges are retribution against Sen. Bob Menendez.
Attorney General Eric Holder says he is "prepared" to dismantle the Ferguson, Mo., police department "if that's what's necessary." "We are prepared to use all the powers that we have, all the power that we have, to ensure that the situation changes there," he said on Friday. "That means everything from working with them to coming up with an entirely new structure."
According to this, Portland State University recently hosted the Northwest Regional Animal Liberation Forum, which included all sorts of fun workshops like "Anti-Oppression Training" and "Researching Targets." But one workshop in...
In a tunnel dug deep underneath the besieged Gaza Strip, masked gunmen from Islamic Jihad are ferrying rockets and mortars back and forth, preparing for the next conflict with Israel.
As the issue of Hillary Clinton’s e-mails mushrooms, let’s take a stroll down the media’s memory lane to another time and another scandal and another woman. The scandal, of course, is the Watergate scandal and the role the tapes played in bringing down a presidency.
President Barack Obama tells students he's disappointed Congress refused to pass gun restrictions after the Sandy Hook elementary massacre.
Brian and Valerie Wilson of Nevada want to take in foster kids but are prohibited from doing so because they carry guns for self-defense.
Bristol Palin is so pleased that Arkansas moved forward with Convention of States legislation, she might ‘forgive them for giving us the Clintons.’

The E.U. Experiment Has Failed

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

With Christianity moribund and patriotism stigmatized, the only principle that unites Europeans is one of material comfort. 
It's a business that sells itself on being non-judgmental but Planet Fitness has allegedly revoked the membership of a woman for complaining.