Sarah Ditum: As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter why any woman wants to end her pregnancy. If it's to select for sex, that's her choice
For those who didnt know this, our nation was founded by brilliant, freedom-loving heavy weights.
Survivor sounds off about the disgrace
“Obama is working hard to nail down what he hopes will be one of his ‘signature achievements’: a wide-ranging global agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

The President’s Exploitation

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

It is hard to miss the glee in the media and political establishment at the rise of the President’s popularity rating to a minus (3.4) percent. Buoyed by the uptick the President is encouraged to ignore the shellacking taken in a hard fought election, in which, by his own words, his policies were on the…
Saying that a compromise, or middle point, between two extremes is the truth.
WASHINGTON—Dealing in millions of paper bills and electronic payments every year, often in plain sight, thousands of U.S. businesses that provide clothing, food services, home goods, and more are actually operating as elaborate moneymaking fronts, federal prosecutors discovered this week. 
Palestinians have demonstrated neither the will nor the leadership to sign a deal with Israel.
This is an entry from the March 22, 2015 Live Blog
Are all Americans created equal when it comes to fearing collusion and conspiracies? Yes, they are.
Members of the field are overwhelmingly liberal. Unsurprisingly, few see that as a problem.
The long-awaited movie about notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell has had one of the more interesting development cycles in the independent film scene.
Federal dollars are on the way to schools affected by the recent influx of immigrant
Ever been pinned down at Thanksgiving Dinner by a crabby relative who goes on a tirade about trivial complaints which are laced with biting criticism? "Why are skirts so short these days?"
Ted Cruz is first out the gate in the 2016 race for the White House
The source of mysterious “Exclusively For White People” stickers plastered on Austin storefronts in recent days is an Austin-based criminal defense lawyer. On Wednesday, some businesses in Aust
A signature protest phrase from Ferguson is based in rumors and witness accounts that later were recanted.
"'More Vine videos please' - sex slaves."
Border Patrol agents gave eye-opening testimony on Capitol Hill last week, saying that they "face retribution" for reporting large groups of illegal immigrants.
Barack Obama continued to attack the Jewish leader in a video that aired today saying Netanyahu's previous comments "erode the name of democracy." This comes from the same man who passed amnesty by executive order and who forces poverty nuns…
Fifty years ago, Medicare was sold on the promise that it would unite the nation. But with Medicare’s unfunded liabilities approaching $100 trillion — a shor...
Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, believes passionately that the United States needs more skilled foreign workers. He has long advocated increasing the number of so-called H-1B visas, which allow those workers to come to the U.S. for several years and, in many cases, work for lower wages than current employees. Schmidt is frustrated that Congress hasn't done as he and other tech moguls want. In the long list of stupid policies of the U.S. government, I think our attitude toward immigration has got to be near the top, Schmidt said during an appearance this week at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington. Everyone actually agrees that there should be more H-1B visas in order to create more tech, more science, more analytical jobs. Everyone agrees, in both parties. The Eric Schmidt pleading for more foreign workers is the same Eric Schmidt who boasts of turning away thousands upon thousands of job seekers who apply for a few prized positions at Google. For example, at an appearance in Cleveland last October to promote his book, How Google Works, Schmidt explained that his company receives at least 1,000 applications for every job opening. The good news is that we have computers to do the initial vetting, Schmidt explained, according to an account in the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Government’s pursuit of ensuring access to opportunity risks damaging freedom in the bargain.

Sean Moran #WR #NSF on Twitter

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“Hey @Starbucks I think I'm ready to talk about interracial rape: http://t.co/QVEkJPE9R3 #RaceTogether”