The president jumps the shark with his latest claim on the controversial project.
Jeb Bush finishes a disappointing fifth in the CPAC straw poll, even though he reportedly brought busloads of supporters to back his candidacy.
#TheRefinery crew talk about PJTV's "The Ronnies" and how the "Anti-Oscars" awards show missed its chance to be an effective alternative; and instead was a r...
The scandal of it cannot be overstated: various Jewish leaders and philanthropists are prominent donors to The New Israel Fund, an organization which funds BDS and other anti-Israel initiatives.
Career diplomats are finding that they can't advance to top State Department posts such as ambassadorships because President Obama has stuffed political appointees into those jobs, the most ever in his second term. Yes, it's a problem, said Robert Silverman, president of the American Foreign Service Association. This is an ongoing struggle. We need to maintain the ability for our top people to go straight to the top, he said. The issue is a big one: While the State Department has a good record for hiring a diverse workforce of diplomats and experts who often take hardship posts to move up the ladder, the Obama White House is keeping way too many of the best jobs for its political allies. RELATED: Soros, Ford Foundation shovel $196 million to 'net neutrality' groups, staff to White House
Commentary: The new regulatory action by the FCC has sweeping implications for the Internet, and the price we will pay over time for this radical shift will be severe.
PHOENIX (Mar. 2, 2015) – Today, an important Arizona House Committee approved a bill that would create significant roadblocks for implementation of the
Its time to give current university system the Old Yeller treatment, except normal Americans will giggle when this rabid mongrel gets put down..03/02/2015 22:55:11PM EST.
The latest advancement in victimhood links 'queer theory' with illegal immigration.
CHARLESON, W.V. (Mar. 2, 2015) – On Saturday, the West Virginia House passed a bill that would withdraw the state from the Common Core State Standards adopted
The Noblis Technology Tuesday speaker series covers a broad spectrum of political, technical and innovative ideas. Noblis is a nonprofit science, technology,...
Democrats have sent out letters to free-market think tanks and energy companies asking them to turn over funding records related to any research they’ve conducted on climate change.
UCLA’s chapter of anti-Israel group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) was enraged by a series of posters depicting Hamas executions that appeared early Sunday around the school campus. “These posters are a clear example of hate speech directed against Students for Justice in Palestine, as well as supporters of Palestinian freedom and equality,” SJP asserted in a statement. “They rely on Islamophobic and anti-Arab tropes to paint Palestinians as terrorists and to misrepresent Students for Justice in Palestine as antisemitic.” [...]
Standing with Our Friends, Standing Up to Our Enemies - We must repair the ruptured bonds between Israel and the United States.
If President Obama isn't a Christian, can any liberal be Christian?
Hillary Clinton's foreign cash payola from countries like Oman, Qatar, and Algeria has been banned by the U.S. Constitution for more than two centuries.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) gave an impassioned speech on the House floor on Friday during debate on funding the Department of Homeland Security and President Barack Obama’s un-Constitutional executive actions on immigration. Gohmert accused Obama of usurping Congress by ‘speaking’…
Here's one of the greatest defenders of liberty in our country today, Mark Levin, at CPAC this morning. He never pulls any punches, and this speech is no exception! Watch below: Some tweets for Mar...
Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL) introduced legislation revoking the ATF's claim of power to regulate ammunition via "armor piecing" language in the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA).
The almost forgotten Third Amendment makes all the others possible.
In Obama's America there is nothing the president can't do without Congress.
Does NARAL not know Jezebel has corrected the story, or does it not care?
Netanyahu beware: Khamenei's