"Everything that God made is good, even marijuana" said state Rep. David Simpson, R-Longview, who filed the bill. "The conservative thought is that government doesn't need to fix something that God made good."
Liberals Outraged that University Won’t Regulate What Students Wear Off-Campus - Social-justice warriors take aim at students’ wardrobe.
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. — The arguments were, "Think of the children," versus, "Everybody's doing it" — and if those two cliches weren't enough, the debate kicked off at 4:20 p.m. The debate over marijuana legalization at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference re-filled the conference's main ballroom after...
Joint Meetings and Joint SessionsHistorically there are three methods for receiving foreign leaders and dignitaries: Joint Meetings, Joint Sessions, and separate House and Senate Receptions. A Joint Meeting is the preferred method for receiving addresses from foreign leaders and dignitaries. Joint Meetings are used for special commemorative events and to receive addresses by domestic dignitaries. To initiate a Joint Meeting, both houses, by resolution or by unanimous consent, declare themselves in recess for a joint gathering in the House Chamber. House Rule IV governs this procedure: “The Hall of the House shall be used only for the legislative business of the House and for caucus and conference meetings of its Members, except when the House agrees to take part in any ceremonies to be observed therein. The Speaker may not entertain a motion for the suspension of this clause.” As precedent has evolved, however, the House has tended to use unanimous consent, rather than a resolution, for the purpose of receiving a foreign leader. A Joint Session of Congress has been used almost exclusively to receive the President’s State of the Union Address (prior to 1942 called the Annual Message), other presidential addresses, and the counting of electoral votes for the President and Vice President of the U.S. Both chambers follow a formal procedure to establish these occasions by adopting a concurrent resolution. Only twice have foreign dignitaries addressed a Joint Session of Congress: French Ambassador Andre de Laboulaye (20 May 1934), to mark the centennial of the death of the Marquis de Lafayette, and Cuban Ambassador Guillermo Belt (19 April 1948), to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Cuban independence after the Spanish-American War in 1898.
Defy warnings that tests are mandatory for graduation
The global warming debate often degenerates into one side — the alarmists — claiming the other side — skeptics — are anti-science. But science is not perfect.
March 3 -- On “Morning Must Read,” Olivia Sterns recaps the op-ed pieces and analyst notes that provide insight into today's headlines. Former BlackRock Head of Fixed Income Peter Fisher and American Enterprise Institute’s Peter Wallison also speak on “Bloomberg Surveillance.”
"Democrats tend to be happy with the ideology of their current candidates, but Republicans want GOP candidates to become more conservative," reports Peter Moore, an analyst for YouGov polls, which has the handy numbers to prove it.
Air Date: March 2nd, 2015 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fai...

Thomas Sowell - The Honesty Gap

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

There may be some poetic justice in the recent revelation that Hillary Clinton, who has made big noises about a "pay gap" between women and men, paid the women on her Senate staff just 72 percent of what she paid the men. The Obama White House staff likewise has a pay gap between women and men, as of course does the economy as a whole..03/03/2015 11:55:07AM EST.
Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas) has introduced bills to fight the standards before.
In contrast to the steep decline in the gasoline price index over the past year (which led to a decline in the overall Consumer Price Index), the seasonally adjusted electricity price index hit an all-time high in January, according to data released last week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The attack represented the single deadliest day for US Marines since the Battle of Iwo Jima
Liberal groups attacking Fox News host Bill O’Reilly about his past reporting got more than $15 million from left-wing billionaire George Soros. The story, questioning claims O’Reilly made as a reporter early in his career, was broken by Mother Jones, a project of the liberal Foundation for National Progress. From Mother Jones, the story was picked up by a variety of Soros-funded outlets, including Alternet (a project of the Independent Media Institute), NPR, The Nation, Media Matters for America and the Columbia Journalism Review – all funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Out of the $10.6 million that Soros has given to Columbia University, at least $500,000 went directly to the Review.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest confirmed Monday that President Obama is "very interested" in the idea of raising.03/03/2015 11:55:07AM EST.
She deserved this. The AIPAC crowd dissed Susan Rice by cheering wildly during her speech for policies she opposes. First, Susan Rice says, "I know that some of you will be urging Congress to insist Iran forego it's domestic enrichment…
Israeli Prime Minister said Tuesday he deeply regretted that his speech to the U.S. Congress was being seen as a political ploy.
Let's screw with people! There are a lot of stupid publications out there. Some of them are so stupid that they are easy to troll. But fake articles can also speak to truths about the media, or, in the case of the Sokal affair, academic publishing. These are usually funny, and we'd like to see more of them,…
Sources say the U.S. Marshals Service has, since 2007, flown aircraft equipped with equipment that tricks cellphones owned by innocent citizens into givin
A federal judge warned the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday not to discriminate against conservative groups in how it responds to open-records requests, issuing a legal spanking.
Her violations of public records rules indicate little regard for the people's right to information.
“I don’t care what people think about evolution,”

How climate change affects you...

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
The myth that only liberals support solar technology is being shattered by loud voices coming from the right, including that of Barry Goldwater Jr.