
HuffPost Live

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

HuffPost Live is a live-streaming network that attempts to create the most social video experience possible. Viewers are invited to join discussions live as on-air guests. Topics range from politics to pop culture.
By Solarina Ho TORONTO (Reuters) - Edward Snowden, the fugitive former U.S. spy agency contractor who leaked details of mass U.S. surveillance programs, said on Wednesday he is not being offered a fair trial if he returns to the United States. "I would love to go back and face a fair trial, but unfortunately ... there is no fair trial available, on offer right now," he said from Russia in a live question and answer discussion organized by Canadian Journalists for Free Expression, Toronto's Ryerson University and the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. "I've been working exhaustively with the government now since I left to try to find terms of a trial," he said. He did not comment specifically on new legislation proposed by Canada's Conservative government that would expand the powers of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the country's main intelligence service. In January, CBC News and news website The Intercept reported that 2012 documents sourced from Snowden showed that Canada's electronic spy agency, the Communications Security Establishment, had intercepted and analyzed up to 15 million file downloads a day.

Rein in the corrupt IRS

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Obamacare case before the Supreme Court offers an example of the agency’s abuses.
There was a pretty heated exchange recently between Alabama's Sen. Jeff Sessions and EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy during a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing.
Hillary Clinton Banned Use of Private Email by State Department Employees … While She Conducted All Her Business By Private Email -

Obamacare saved? Not so fast

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Obamacare supporters were cheered Wednesday by Justice Anthony Kennedy’s tough grilling of the lead attorney in the latest lawsuit — and the law’s opponents came away nervous. That doesn’t mean the suspense is over and Kennedy will be the deciding vote to save the law. There’s still enough uncertainty about the outcome...
BILL BERKOWITZ FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT (Photo: Colin Brown)Despite raising $13 million dollars, the organization called The National Draft Ben Carso...
Just when you thought it couldn't look any worse, you get something that totally changes things...
"She did not use personal email for official communication."
MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews suggested on his Wednesday program that decades of Republican critics dogging Hillary Clinton may be partly to blame for her conducting all her State Department email correspondence on private email via a server located at her Chappaqua, New York, residence.
On June 20, 2007, Hillary Clinton complained about Bush officials shredding the US Constitution by having secret email accounts. Two years later, as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton set up a secret email account and secret servers in her basement…

Obama’s Iran Entitlement

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In The Wall Street Journal, Wonder Land columnist Dan Henninger asks: What has Obama done to earn trust for this unilateral deal?
Democrats may be flustered after a week of being accused of engineering an anti-science “witch hunt,” but they aren’t backing down from their investigations into the financial backing of climate-change researchers who challenge the movement’s doomsday scenarios.
Chicago’s mayor allegedly blew up when he was asked why he closed clinics. Looks like ‘Rahmbo’ is back.
More reflections on Obamacare's third trip to the High Court.
Clinton also writes that State Department communications were the target of sophisticated attacks.
Netflix Already Regretting Net Neutrality Move -
Democrats called Benjamin Netanyahu condescending, childish, and told him to go home.
ABC: Clinton's Email Disclosure 'Going to Be on the Honor System' (March 5, 2015)
The Protecting Second Amendment Rights Act would roll back the ATF’s authority.
The University of Minnesota has warned one of its student-run publications that it needs to be more culturally sensitive when it comes to terrorists. Naturally, they didn't word it quite that way.
Taylor council passes resolution against hate based on religion, ethnicity (WITH VIDEO) - The Taylor City Council unanimously approved a resolution Tuesday that supports a campaign against hate based on religion or ethnicity.