Donald Trump is in it to win it, at least according to nationally syndicated Iowa-based conservative radio host Steve Deace.
In a state where leftists use the public schools to promote their socialist ideology with impunity, imagine my surprise when a teacher handed out a flyer promoting racism: "In order to challenge racism and dismantle white supremacy, white people need to unlearn racism and discover the ways we enact white privilege."
Sen. Rand Paul wins hearts, and the Cato Institute primary, during a weekend visit to Naples, Florida.
#TheRefinery crew talk about the collapse of MSNBC's viewership and the firing of Ronan Farrow- what's next for the channel that brought us Resist We Much? A...
Joe Manchin (D-WV) criticized President Obama for vetoing the Keystone XL pipeline, stating "quit playing politics with everything we do"
In the name of anti-discrimination, the City Council of Charlotte, North Carolina is poised to discriminate against people of conservative moral values, also imposing the struggles of a tiny minority on every man, woman, and child who lives or works in Charlotte or might happen to visit the city.

The Sharpton shakedown blues

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

In a newly released, secretly recorded video, a critic says the Rev. Al Sharpton is all about money. This, of course, isn’t news. What is news is the critic: the...
Whoopi Goldberg defended Hillary Clinton regarding reports that she paid female staffers less than male staffers during her Senate tenure.
54 percent of Jewish students report witnessing or experiencing anti-Semitism
George Zimmerman, the former neighborhood watch volunteer who fatally shot Trayvon Martin in a 2012 confrontation with the teenager, will not face federal charges, the Justice Department said Tuesday
Partisan media are keeping Americans apart, Hillary Clinton says, making it impossible to solve problems.
Scott Walker (R) said he is "certain" that no average voter would list "the issues we heard about in Washington from the media" as a concern
The Obama administration has tested out a new term for immigrants living in America without legal working status: "Americans-in-waiting."
America's partisan divide is well-illustrated by which news outlets people stick to.
The Italians have mastered the art of Tweetfare
Charles Krauthammer said that the Iran nuclear agreement makes "the sell out of Ukraine" look "like a success in comparison with this"
Rudy Giuliani is far from alone in his criticism of President Obama.
At a Black History Month event Monday, Vice President Joe Biden used the theme of "emancipation" as an opportunity to blast the "not fair" accumulation of wealth among America's most prosperous citizens and call for a "fundamental change" in America's imbalanced economic "equation." 
Chaldean Christian spokesman Mark Arabo says he spoke with White House officials today and told them that they are simply not acting as a Middle East holocaust of Christians continues on. Watch bel...
Greg Gutfeld said the terror threat against the Mall of America has exposed that "the phrase 'gun-free zones' is liberal of 'sitting duck.'"
President Obama surprised many at the National Prayer Breakfast when he lectured us, Lest we get on our high horse and think this (barbarity) is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. Obama went on to explain, In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often (were) justified in the name of Christ. In Obama's mind, Western outrage at Islamic barbarism should be tempered by the remembrance of what Christians did a thousand years ago in the name of Christ. Plus, that outrage should be chastened by our own history of slavery and Jim Crow. President Obama's vision is that of a man brainwashed through an academic vision of multiculturalism, in which American exceptionalism has no place. It's a vision that has been shaped by a longtime association with people who hate our country, people such as the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Weather Underground leader and Pentagon bomber William Ayers and Ayers' onetime fugitive wife, Bernardine Dohrn. A vision that sees a moral equivalency between what Christians did centuries ago and today's Islamic savagery is quite prevalent in academia. It's part of what's worshipped on most college campuses as diversity and multiculturalism.
Bigotry is borne of ignorance and the nasty snark the Political Wire’s Taegan Goddard launched at Scott Walker’s Christian faith Tuesday is a perfect example of a secular leftist who finds everyday Christianity freakish. Sadly, it is also the result
Lots of people sure hate the Koch brothers.
A senior State Department official has been arrested, charged and booked to the Washington D.C. jail after allegedly soliciting se.02/25/2015 10:45:04AM EST.