We are returning to being a lone place for conservative sanity and fulsome condemnation of the progressive Left.
Hunter Biden was receiving a $10 million annual fee from a Chinese billionaire who has been accused of corruption and with whom he sought to increase the cash flow with a joint business ownership, an August 2017 email from Mr. Biden shows.
A woman who attended President Trump’s NBC town hall Thursday evening and gained notoriety on social media for nodding her head and giving a thumbs up behind the president, ran for a Congressional seat in 2018 as an
In an exclusive interview, Mayor Rudy Giuliani dropped a bombshell that may add more evidence of Joe Biden's first-hand knowledge...
Behind the scenes, there was anger, even before the first question, but this time it wasn’t from President Trump. NBC employees seethed that they had agreed to host a Trump townhall in the same...
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the progressive "squad" of legislators are already making demands of the Biden transition team even though
EXCLUSIVE: The Republican National Committee on Friday filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging that the censorship of the New York Post article about Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings and former Vice President Joe Biden’s alleged knowledge of those dealings, amounts to an “illegal corporate in-kind political contribution” to the Biden campaign Fox News has learned.
Progressive Democrats on Friday called on Senate leadership to oppose the confirmation of any nominee to an executive branch position who is a lobbyist or former lobbyist for any corporate client or who is a C-suite officer for a private corporati
President Donald Trump said he would sign national reciprocity legislation for concealed carry if it reaches his desk.
Presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump appeared in directly competing town halls on Thursday night, after the President dropped out of the second debate. Trump’s hourlong appearan…
The teacher had shown pupils in his class cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad, which are considered by Muslims to be blasphemous, according to a police source.
France's anti-terrorism police are investigating after a man was beheaded in a Paris suburb on Friday evening.
A Swedish teen claims to have been forced to remove his cross necklace for a school photograph in case it offended others.
“Every single protest they use the exact same techniques.”
PARIS (AP) — A history teacher who opened a discussion with students on caricatures of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad was decapitated in a French street on Friday and police have shot the suspected...
Columnist Dwight Weidman discusses why he thinks Trump v. Biden polls aren't showing the true state of the race.
Couples living apart in areas with Tier 2 restrictions are not allowed to have sleepovers unless they are in a “support bubble”, Downing Street confirmed today. Boyfriends and girlfriends will be able to meet outdoors in Tier 2 but are expected to adhere to social distancing rules such as hands, face and space. They must also adhere to the rule of six.
President Trump and Joe Biden each held a town hall on Thursday evening following the cancellation of the second presidential debate. The debate was cancelled after President Trump’s COVID diagnosis led to jumbled schedules. A virtual debate was offered, but Trump declined. So in place of a debate, the two candidates held town halls on […]
UPDATE: If you're wondering why we haven't linked to the column below from our Twitter account, it's because we're unable to: every time we try to tweet it, we are informed that "Twitter is over capacity". "Social" media are the new Stasi. UPPERDATE: The
It dwarfs the 60k ballot screw up in Pennsylvania.
BLEXIT held a rally in Washington DC on Saturday and they showed the world what a true peaceful protest looks like. Candace Owens is one of the leaders and creators of BLEXIT and they stormed the s…
Somali-American Saciido Shaie, a Democrat candidate, posted video in July accusing the state’s DFL of paying Somali Americans as much as $200 for their vote. The DFL, Democrat-Farmer-Labor Party, is the official Democrat Party organization in Minnesota. In a video that was posted in July but recently translated Saciido complains because too many voters wanted…
Facebook censored pro-life advertisements on late-term abortion based off an "independent fact check" by NeverTrumper media outlet The Dispatch.
Here’s what you need to know about political polling this summer. The bottom line is any presidential incumbent who polls anywhere in the 40% range is in good shape. Actually, the exact number is…
The vice president's campaign has set up an official outpost on the hit video game, which has been popular among young people, a key demographic for Biden.