Hank Green, who has a vast online following, implored TikTok users Thursday to watch Biden’s event on “every phone, television and computer.”
Ajit Pai said that he will move forward with a rulemaking that would clarify Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. 
The history teacher was attacked on Friday afternoon in a suburb close to the French capital, police confirmed
A contractor in Jefferson County, Ky., found 112 absentee ballots in a dumpster, leading to an investigation by federal authorities.
The Trump administration's Federal Emergency Management Agency has denied California Governor Gavin Newsom's request for disaster relief.
A suspected terrorist thought to be wearing an explosive vest has been shot dead by French police near Paris after allegedly beheading a school teacher with a knife.
Want to learn how Twitter is interfering in the election and why that censorship it is engaging in is so dangerous to the American Republic? Then read here!
I hope Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden doesn't plan on asking former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) to be on his communications team. Because when she was asked by NBC to
NBC's Savannah Guthrie was heavily criticized for the way she conducted the town hall with President Trump on Thursday, as he badgered Trump over COVID-19, white supremacy, and QAnon for
Utah Senator Mitt Romney officially voiced his intent to vote for the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Judge Barrett appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee
A woman seated behind President Trump during his Thursday NBC town hall in Miami went viral on social media after she was seen repeatedly nodding along with his comments and giving a thumbs up.
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani says he spent three weeks authenticating the materials on a copy ...
President Donald Trump aced the question about black voters while Joe Biden flubbed it in their dueling town hall events Thursday.
President Trump has absolutely broken the media. They are nothing but PR for the Biden campaign at this point.
Republicans now trail with roughly 5.2 million votes, compared to more than 5.3 million in the swing state
NEW YORK (AP) — The overwhelming majority of voters believe the nation is deeply divided over its most important values, and many have doubts about the health of the democracy itself. And...
Shy Trump voters are, by definition, hidden. These voters are very real but quite invisible to pollsters, and they make polls unreliable.
NBC's Savannah Guthrie received praise and criticism from other members of the media across Twitter over her handling of a town hall on Thursday night with President Trump.
Everyone’s favorite ex-bartender is back with a powerful new revelation to help eliminate fossil fuel consumption. *The dialogue in this article is satire* Rocks Are Actually Soft and Squishy – They Just Tense Up When We Touch Them New Study Shows That Breathing Air Is Linked To Staying Alive Ducks Don’t Actually Float – Their... Continue Reading →
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan cast his mail-in ballot last week, writing in Ronald Reagan for president, The Washington Post reported.
Beyond censorship... election interference! What do you think of Twitter?
President Donald Trump on Thursday, during a town hall in Miami with NBC News, denounced white supremacy yet again.