Many defective pieces of medical equipment have been shipped to desperate countries by Chinese manufacturers.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott detailed plans on Monday to reopen the state for business amid the coronavirus pandemic – allowing places like retail stores, restaurants and movie theaters to open up to customers at a limited capacity by Friday May 1.
In Trenton, NJ, a school teacher was taped screaming at some teens in a park, telling them she hopes they "get coronavirus" and "die a long, painful death."
A high school math teacher in New Jersey, apparently furious that some teenagers were playing football in a local park despite the state’s stay-at-home orders, yelled at them, starting with a warning that they would get arrested and crescendoing to shouting, “I hope both of you get the coronavirus. I hope you both die a […]
The Chinese government's foreign ministry portrayed China as the victim of coronavirus disinformation on Monday.
Hospitals get paid more money if a patient is coded for the novel coronavirus, even if they haven’t been tested in some states, multiple fact-checking sites have confirmed, including USA Today, Politifact, and Snopes. Hospitals get a 20% add-on for COVID-19-coded patients and roughly three times as much if such patients are placed on a ventilator. […]
Who ever imagined that the Democrat Party would move so far let that their main selling point would be “socialism”? With the leading candidate for Democrat nominee for president and the most influe…
Senator Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) suggested on Sunday that the government should deny visas to Chinese students who want to study science in the U.S."It's a scandal to me that we have trained so many of the Chinese Communist Party's brightest minds to go back to China, to compete for our jobs
Lynda LaCasse, a former neighbor to Tara Reade, says she and Reade discussed her alleged sexual assault allegation against Joe Biden.
Is Jill Biden running for President now? Jill Biden delivered Sleepy Joe’s 2020 campaign message as her husband stood next to her and blinked. 77-year-old Joe can hardly string a sentence together without stumbling so now his wife is talking for him. “This moment reminds us that the presidency is about true leadership — having…
President Trump has been mocked relentlessly for suggesting that ultraviolet light could be brought “inside the body” to kill the coronavirus, but there is ongoing research to do just that.
The following is satirical. Feminists are absolutely fuming that North Korea could have a female dictator presiding over a regime of murder, torture, starvation and rape before America does. There are reports that North Korea’s Dear Leader Kim Jong Un may be dead after he injected himself with Clorox on the advice of his good […]

The China Rethink

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

China prospered while buying off greedy American elites. Now that alarm bells are ringing in Washington, who will answer the call?
Howard Stern announced Monday he's "all in on Joe Biden," saying President Trump "could have been ahead of this curve" on the coronavirus pandemic. 
Monday on his Sirius XM's show Howard Stern said President Donald Trump should resign over his comments about injecting disinfectants. | Clips
Chinese officials are threatening economic consequences if Australia moves ahead with an investigation into Beijing’s early handling of the coronavirus outbreak,
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has picked his wife to lead one of the task forces planning for the city’s eventual reopening. De Blasio announced on Sunday that New York City’s first lady Chirlane McCray will co-chair the Task Force on Racial Inclusion and Equity, according to the New York Post. Deputy Mayor […]
Maria Bartiromo confronted New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio about whether he was "using" the ongoing coronavirus pandemic to "take us into socialism."
Last month, the sexual assault allegations of former Biden staffer Tara Reade against the presumptive Democratic nominee started getting covered in conservative media. The mainstream media ignored it, of course, but conservative outlets were all over it. Why not? They were a few decades old, sure...
North America’s strongest recorded earthquake struck just off the Alaskan coast at 5:36 p.m., on March 27, 1964. The shaking from the magnitude 9.2 quake lasted
An untimely study on cutting carriers fails to grasp their unique warfighting features.
China’s problems are mounting. As Beijing works frantically to cover up its responsibility for the global pandemic, Western intelligence is trying to find out exactly how the outbreak began and how...