Adolescents are making valiant efforts to isolate themselves to protect others, even knowing that they are extremely unlikely to die from Covid-19.
Billionaire Bill Gates has stated that his foundation, the world's wealthiest charity, will be giving its "total attention" to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. Gates also defended China's handling of the Wuhan coronavirus, calling discussion of the communist government's misdeeds a "distraction."
When I put forth the “The Case for Social Security Personal Accounts” in early 2011, I pointed out that the program’s long-run fiscal shortfall was more than $27 trillion. We shou…
Leave it to a CNN correspondent to exploit his own son’s birth to push his eco-freakish politics. CNN correspondent Bill Weir’s piece, headlined “To my son, born in the time of coronavirus and climate change,” dripped with propaganda bashing the Bible and promoting Greta Thunberg. Weir wrote to his newborn son: “Against all odds you were conceived in a lighthouse, born during a pandemic and will taste just enough of Life as We Knew It to resent us when it's gone. I'm sorry. I'm sorry we broke your sea and your sky and shortened the wings of the nightingale.”
Over the weekend, former Vice President Joe Biden repeated a conspiracy theory floated by other Democrats, including failed 2016 presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, that President Donald Trump can delay the presidential election indefinitely using the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse. Speaking to a “virtual fundraiser,” Biden said he was comfortable in predicting that Trump would […]
Tennessee, Mississippi, and Montana allowed some businesses to reopen Monday under new health guidelines as several states begin to relax coronavirus lockdown restrictions in a bid to get America’s workers safely back to work.
Authorities announced the arrest of a man in connection with the drive-by shooting at the Louisiana estate of “Duck Dynasty” star Willie Robertson.
28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last 4 Elections | RealClearPolitics
WASHINGTON, D.C.—While President Trump and some Republican governors are pushing to reopen the country soon, Democrats are much more cautious as they see a looming disaster if America ends the shutdown early: Trump getting credit for a growing economy.“Right now, we have record joblessness, and GDP is certainly going to take a huge hit,” said …
Mexico has almost completely cleared out all of its migrant centers as a precaution against the coronavirus outbreak, National Migration Institute announced.
If state and local leaders wait for testing or a vaccine to save them, there will not be an economy left to open back up.
Starting Monday, doctors and nurses at Stanford Health Care will have their pay reduced by 20 percent. Including those who are caring for COVID-19 patients. 
Words are powerful things. We weaken our ability to think clearly when we allow them to be misused.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled in favor of health insurers seeking $12 billion from the federal government under a program set up by the Obamacare law aimed at encouraging them to offer medical coverage to previously uninsured Americans.
Mexico’s National Migration Institute said that it had removed migrants from 65 government facilities since March 21.
On Monday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi officially endorsed Joe Biden for president despite the recent credible sexual assault allegation against the forme...
In a 5-4 vote Thursday, the state Supreme Court of Washington rejected a lawsuit calling for the release of thousands of inmates to help stem the spread of the coronavirus, according to reports. Those narrowly missing a shot at freedom included Gary Ridgway, the so-called “Green River Killer.”
Nancy Pelosi is angry at the Supreme Court's decision about the Wisconsin primary, but she will be even more angry at some upcoming Court decisions.
More than a dozen officers arrived at a Maryland restaurant to charge the owner of allegedly violating crornavirus orders with too many customers.
Former Biden staffer Tara Reade says the Democratic presidential nominee sexually assaulted her in 1993. Reade's former neighbor tells Insider that Reade confided in her about the allegations at the time.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Monday expressed openness to a minimum guaranteed income to help keep people hit by the coronavirus shutdowns financially afloat.
The White House on Monday canceled its daily Coronavirus Task Force briefing after President Trump lashed out at the media for what he called “hostile questions.” While the White House said in its announced schedule on Sunday that a briefing would be held Monday at 5 p.m. EDT, multiple correspondents said the briefing has been […]
The United States Supreme Court has told officials in San Jose, California, to explain their actions from a few years back when they confiscated the legally owned guns of Lori Rodriguez.
Last January, no doubt underestimating the threat to France itself, President Emmanuel Macron made a gift of five million surgical masks to the People's Republic. When it became clear, just three weeks later, that France itself might urgently need the