Edward Turknett learned that El Expreso, a Houston bus company, was looking for drivers and applied by fax, just as the job listing said. He never heard back.
Gender-neutral toilets in schools have left girls feeling unsafe and even put their health at risk, parents and teachers have
Americans are disorderly and disobedient people — gloriously so and dangerously so. American public policy has to take that into account.
Putin has claimed he’s not prejudiced against gays, but that he finds a Western willingness to embrace homosexuality out of step with Russian values.
The head of a major business organization wants state lawmakers and Gov. Doug Ducey to quash a proposal to allow individuals to sue cities that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration official…
Allegations have mounted in the past week of inappropriate contact with a series of women, threatening to end Biden's 2020 White House hopes before a formal campaign gets off the ground.
Freddy McConnell, a multimedia journalist who works for The Guardian in London, wants to be registered as father or parent because being referred to as a mother was scarring.
The Supreme Court appeared split on Wednesday during arguments over a Louisiana abortion law that could see the court revisit the protections that emerged in the landmark Roe v. Wade decision.
At some point, we have to stop blaming the judges.
NEW YORK, NY—Moments after Mike Bloomberg announced he was suspending his campaign, the Bloomberg campaign office was filled with inconsolable mourners, who were compensated handsomely."No, Mike, don't drop out -- please!" screamed one woman as she sobbed uncontrollably for the nice sum of $2,500. "We need you! America needs you! We lo …
The worst moment of Joseph R. Biden’s life — the 1972 car crash that killed his wife and baby daughter — has drawn renewed attention over a falsehood that the former vice president repeated for years: that the other driver was drunk.
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2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden speaks to a crowd in California on Super Tuesday. » Subscribe to NBC News: http://nbcnews.to/SubscribeToNBC ...
The popularity of socialism in the United States is on the rise, especially with young people. Morgan Zegers is determined to change their minds.
What Muslims do here what they would never dare to do in their own countries. Maybe there is something to
During CNN's Super Tuesday coverage, CNN Senior Political Commentator and former Obama adviser David Axelrod stated that 2020 Democratic presidential | Clips During CNN's Super Tuesday coverage, CNN Senior Political Commentator and former Obama adviser David Axelrod stated that 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) "is not growing" and "not building on what he did before, and that would be a big concern."
Former Vice President Joe Biden mixed up his wife, former second lady Dr. Jill Biden, with his sister Valerie, in his Super Tuesday speech.
Editor’s note: This is an abridged transcript of a speech Richard Vedder gave at a Martin Center luncheon on January 30, 2020. I will concentrate today on the economics of higher education—why it is so costly, and a few things we can do about it. When I entered Northwestern University over six decades ago, the … Continue reading "American Higher Education: Beset with Problems, but Solutions Exist"
After most of the dust from Super Tuesday had settled Wednesday morning, President Trump offered some thoughts on what took place for Democrats in polling places in fifteen states across the country. Super Tuesday, he said, was another example of establishment Democrats working in concert to “crush” democratic socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT). The person most […]
Confirmed coronavirus cases approach 3,000 as outbreak hits the infamous Evin political prison in Tehran where US and UK inmates have languished for years.
Much to the dismay of their Boomer and Gen X elders, an Axios poll from early 2019 indicated that roughly half of millennial and Generation Z respondents agreed with the statement that they “would prefer to live in a socialist country.” This...