Beneath the cover of a contentious presidential primary race that gave Establishment Democrats hope, the arguably biggest takeaway of the night is going to be buried. But Democrats took note and the implications are terrifying for them. While Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden did battle on the national stage from coast to coast, several states …
LIMA, OH—Dale Miller, a 57-year-old uncle of someone, made an embarrassing mistake on Facebook yesterday. According to sources, Dale shared a CNN article under the mistaken impression that CNN is a real news site.“I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT I’M READING, WHATS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY!” Dale typed using one of his favorite communication tec …
None of this gets better from here.
“Human Rights Watch accepted a sizable donation from a Saudi billionaire shortly after its researchers documented labor abuses at one of the man’s companies."

Never forget...

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Post with 0 votes and 48 views. Never forget...
Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg came away the big winner Tuesday night — in the American Samoa caucuses.  
Exit polls for Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia found young voters aren't showing up at the polls as much as 2016.
.03/04/2020 8:55:34AM EST.
.03/04/2020 8:53:37AM EST.
.03/04/2020 8:55:57AM EST.
Fourteen states go to the polls on Super Tuesday.
.03/04/2020 8:57:33AM EST.
The government signals the value of unborn life, blaring birth defect warnings on Accutane — but for unwanted pregnancies, it distributes Plan B like candy.
Alan Gross, an American who was detained in a Cuban prison for several years, tells NPR that Sen. Bernie Sanders visited him in detention and remarked he didn't understand why others criticized Cuba.
Freedom of expression is essential to everyone's health and safety. That's the most valuable lesson we should take away from the coronavirus epidemic. 
Florida’s new red flag law – created to protect the public from future mass shooters – has temporarily stripped gun rights from more than 2,500 people across...


Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Post with 0 votes and 19 views.
.03/04/2020 8:56:16AM EST.
If the coronavirus begins to spread in Mexico, we’re going to wish we had secured the border. Suggesting we do so isn’t racist, it’s realistic.
The US military has conducted an airstrike against Taliban fighters in Afghanistan’s Helmand province, jeopardizing a fragile ceasefire and Donald Trump’s much-touted peace roadmap for Afghanistan.
Exit polls for Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia found young voters aren't showing up at the polls as much as 2016.
They are utterly clueless that what they are doing helps Donald Trump. As the impassioned support for the socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders rises inside their party, threatening to swamp and sink the Democratic Party, Establishment Democrats and Never Trump Republicans...
Families without economic means can’t afford to access the same “public” schools as their wealthy neighbors a district over, leaving them with no choice but their district school.
The Joe Biden Gaffe Machine was up and running tonight in California. The former vice president confused his sister with his wife. "By the way this is my little sister Valerie," he said while introducing