
You can’t say they don’t keep their word: After pledging to do so, Democrats in Virginia have rolled back decades of abortion restrictions in Old Dominion.


The US Embassy in Kabul called Saturday a 'monumental day for Afghanistan.' Ahead of the signing, the Taliban ordered all its fighters "to refrain from any kind of attack."


Several House Republicans walked out of a closed-door briefing on the coronavirus by Trump administration health officials after a Democratic chairman railed against the White House response to the crisis. Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, the leading House health appropriator, kicked off the bri...


A group of predominantly black scholars, journalists, entrepreneurs, clergy, and community leaders, led by Robert Woodson Sr., a respected anti-poverty activist, have launched “1776 Unites” to counter the false and harmful narrative promoted by the New York Times’ “1619 Project.”...


Hollywood celebrities say some dumb things, but we’d like to nominate this for dumbest all-time. Patricia Arquette, who describes herself on her Twitter page as “actress — activist — troublemaker,” is calling for Americans to conduct a one-day economic shutdown in order to damage the U.S. economy and hurt President Trump. The C-list actress posted […]


This guy is an utter disgrace. What a dope. Richard Burr, the Democrat Party’s willing lapdog, warned GOP senators that investigating the Biden family for their obvious pay-for-play criminal acts could help Russia. This guy is an unthinking dolt. How did he EVER get elected? The far left Politico reported: The top Republican on the …


Have you ever seen anyone so enthralled with the idea that Stephen King’s The Stand might play out in real life as today’s Democrat Party and its allies in the mainstream media? This week has been a nonstop orgy of...


Senate Bill 1, the popular Road Repair and Accountability Act, has been stolen. The bill that California voters designated to fix their abysmal roads and unsustainable levels of traffic was hijacked by Governor Gavin Newsom for his climate change pet project. The promise made to voters has been officially broken. Technically, it was broken twice. …


In a clear sign that they’re not truly worried about the COVID-19 threat, many Democrats are using it as another club to hit President Trump — facts be damned. At Tuesday’s debate, Mike Bloomberg s…


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.02/29/2020 6:55:05AM EST.


House Democrats blocked a Republican amendment that would have saved infants who survive abortion from infanticide.


A Chinese destroyer in the western Pacific targets an American plane flying over international waters with a laser.


Trump can shore up jobs for American professionals and graduates by ending the H-4 visa program and the OPT program, an expert says.


The White House won its appeal Friday against House Democrats' attempt to compel the testimony of former White House counsel Don McGahn.


Republicans will continue fighting to keep the Electoral College, GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said Thursday in National Harbor, Maryland.


A couple opened a patriotic coffee and gift shop in honor of President Trump last week in Rockland, Maine.


James Clyburn said House Democrats fear Bernie Sanders will cause "down-ballot carnage" if he wins the party's nomination for president.


Pedestrian fatalities in the US reached a 30-year high in 2019, according to a new study — and the researchers believe smartphones, an increase in SUVs and marijuana legalization are behind t…


Democrats and the media may be trying to pile the bogus attacks on Trump over the United States' response to the coronavirus epidemic, but Trump should be getting credit for acting decisively and taking action that likely saved lives, even though it was a politically unpopular move to make. New Y...