Liberals are more afraid of blame being cast than millions dying from a disease. That's the attitude that has left us vulnerable to coronavirus.
Sanders' plan to give away free stuff echoes the ultimately tyrannical programs of Communist Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, and they will send us down the same path.
News News: Leading US news website Wall Street Journal (WSJ) quoted Ankur Sharma, brother of murdered IB officer Ankit Sharma, as saying that Ankit was killed by
So, Elizabeth Warren thinks the answer to stopping coronavirus from spreading throughout the United States is to open up our southern border. For reals. https://twitter.com/benshapiro/status/1232882031534624768?s=20 CNN's Don Lemon outlined the current plan of the Trump administration to
Senator Cruz’s tia joins the show to share her firsthand experience living under Castro-era socialism and they consider what an America under President Berni...
Leading Democrats including presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Mike Bloomberg used bogus media reports to falsely accuse President Trump of calling the coronavirus a hoax, thereby proving Trump’s point that the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus against him. Bloomberg accused Trump of “cowardice” and used a shortened clip of Trump’s remarks. Other Democrats keyed off …
Just like their cable news peers at MSNBC did this morning, CNN went after certain Fox News personalities on Friday for daring to call out their politicized reporting on the coronavirus. CNN Newsroom host Brooke Baldwin and media reporter Oliver Darcy raged at Fox, claiming they were putting the public in danger by sowing skepticism over their anti-Trump reporting on the coronavirus.
Trump said Pompeo would witness the signing of an agreement with the Taliban. He will stand with militants who harbored al-Qaeda before 9/11 attacks and are responsible for the deaths of thousands of American servicemen and women.
An associate professor at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville (UTK) who was receiving funding from NASA has been arrested and charged by federal authorities with hiding his relationship with a Chinese university.
During national emergencies such as natural disasters or outbreaks of disease, the news media can serve as a valuable source of information for the public. Yet when it came to their coverage of the coronavirus on Thursday, CNN largely put their Trump-bashing agenda ahead of that important role.
President Trump on Friday polled a crowd of supporters ahead of the South Carolina primary to gauge who they believed would be an easier opponent in November.
Law would require federal immigration agents to get warrant for image searches
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for president, is praised by his admirers for being consistent. He’s been saying the same things for 40 years, they expla…
The coronavirus crisis is testing political systems all over the world. In China it is challenging Xi Jin Ping because he "owns" the system, Melinda Liu writes in Foreign Policy. "The party has something to do with everything in China, especially under Xi Jinping—and suddenly, for Xi, that has be...
David Brooks’s account of Senator Bernie Sanders and his campaign cuts deep, because it is true, and obviously true.
HighlightsCuban healthcare statistics are flawed.The health achievements are in part the result of repressive methods.The health achievements are in part the re
WASHINGTON (AP) — A political advocacy group founded by Bernie Sanders entered into a nondisclosure agreement with an African American political consultant that bars her from discussing a lawsuit...
President Donald Trump nominates Congressman John Ratcliffe, R-TX, to be Director of National Intelligence. #FoxNews FOX News operates the FOX News Channel (...
Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg on Saturday said religious conservatives are making a “deal with the devil” so the federal judiciary can be stacked with nominees from a Republican president.
The US Has Been Infiltrated By The Chinese Communist Party, FBI ARRESTS US Academics In On The Take. For the past several decades America has been extracted ...
COLUMBIA, S.C. – Joe Biden needs a win. And he's hoping that South Carolina will give it to him.
The New England Journal of Medicine suggested coronavirus could turn out no worse than "a severe seasonal influenza" in terms of mortality.
Democrats strategists and donors say there’s a path for former Vice President Joe Biden to capitalize on a big win in South Carolina and become the party’s presidential nominee.