
Pastor Antonio Velasquez says that before the Trump administration announced a crackdown on immigrants using government social services, people lined up before sunrise outside a state office in a largely Latino Phoenix neighborhood to sign up for food stamps and Medicaid. “You had to arrive at 3 in the


Battleground state poll shows Sanders leading in Democratic primary, tight general election matchups
New surveys in three key battleground states show Sen. Bernie Sanders with sizable leads in the Michigan and Wisconsin Democratic primaries, but a closer contest among Democrats in Pennsylvania.


Socialist Bernie Sanders, the current front runner in the race for the Democratic nomination for president, was grilled on Sunday during an interview for not knowing the cost of his multi-trillion dollar big government programs. Anderson Cooper, normally a host on CNN, hosted CBS News’ “60 Minutes” on Sunday, where he pressed Sanders over the […]


As socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.,” is likely to become the frontrunner after the Nevada Caucuses, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on Monday that it’s due to the Democratic Party’s policies lacking a factual premise.


The famous tombs at the Taj Mahal are being given a special clay pack treatment in honor of Donald Trump's visit. The Yamuna river behind the Taj Mahal has also received 17 million liters of water.


On Monday, all three network morning shows combined could only manage a little over a minute (74 seconds) of air time to mention 2020 Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders defending deceased Cuban dictator Fidel Castro on Sunday’s 60 Minutes. However, after President Trump held a summit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in July of 2018, the same broadcasts devoted 34 minutes to excoriating the meeting – and that was just in the first half hour of the respective shows.


The following is satirical. The Democrat Party released its latest results after the Nevada primary, and Bernie Sanders has won in Iowa. As Sanders continues on track to win the party’s nomination for president, a party spokesman released a statement while running around in a circle, tearing his hair and making a high-pitched babbling noise […]


It is in Donald Trump and Narendra Modi’s shared interest to break some China – the possibilities of a US-Indo alliance are 'yuge'


U.S. presidential races have seen their fair share of unorthodox and out of the ordinary candidates in recent years. However, if a recent


On CNN's New Day, Alisyn Camerota frets that Bernie Sanders, he who preaches "revolution," might be too "nuanced" to take on President Trump. On MSNBC, Joe Scarborough suggests that Elizabeth Sanders drop out in order to "consolidate efforts" against Sanders. This despite Warren being in Sanders's far-left lane, so that if she dropped out, surely many of her supporters would "consolidate" around Sanders!


17 votes and 2 comments so far on Reddit


Socialist Bernie Sanders, the current front runner in the Democratic nomination race, told CBS News on Sunday night that his government-run health care system would not be “run by the government,” and that it just gets “rid of the private insurance companies.” Sanders, whose proposal would force all Americans off of their private insurance plans […]


"It was a mixture of very young people and old Marxists, who think they were right all along. There were no ordinary people there, simply."


Sorry, Mark, Twitter is FOREVER.


The Nonhuman Rights Project tried to have a court declare an elephant named Happy to be entitled to habeas corpus protection


American business needs to get off the path to slow-motion suicide, and to defend the free-enterprise system.


If Sanders ever acknowledged that some millionaires and billionaires were good people, who supported many great charities, I missed it.


“The Castro regime murdered and jailed dissidents, and caused unspeakable harm to too many South Florida families,” Debbie Mucarsel-Powell tweeted Monday.


WHO director Tedros Adhanom said that the coronavirus “absolutely” has the potential to be a global pandemic, and that a recent spike in cases is “very concerning.”


Trump was greeted with the song "Macho Man" by Village People ahead of his rally at Sardar Patel Stadium in India on Monday, and it was captured live on CNN.


Tomeka Hart said in a written questionnaire for prospective jurors that she was "not sure" whether she posted online about the Russia investigation or Stone.


Kruggie's credibility crisis worsens.


The Daily Fodder is a news website focused on thoughts and commentary about life, society, and human events.


No surprise here whatsoever


JACKSONVILLE, FL—Eyewitnesses were dazzled by the appearance today of a disc of bright white light near the city’s Riverside area. They were even more amazed when a thin figure in a flannel shirt emerged from the circle of light and began to speak.“People of the year 2020,” he said, “I am Fidel-Mao Rosenberg the 5th, from the …