Three cheers for the Wall Street Journal. As reported here in the Washington Post and here in the New York Times, various WSJ reporters have protested a WSJ headline that editors attached to an op-ed by Walter Russell Mead, the...
Bernie Sanders' immigration platform demonstrates how he would reverse the outcome of the Mexican–American War within a single year.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said on “Fox & Friends” on Monday that Democrats are now a socialist party “that thinks Fidel Castro is a good person.”
A school has launched a program to turn kids transgender without telling their parents, and, not surprisingly, it's getting a reaction:
“Electric Atmosphere at Motera Stadium as people eagerly wait to welcome President @realDonaldTrump #NamasteyTrump #TrumpInIndia #IndiaWelcomesTrump https://t.co/THlmSxqyG6”
I spent the morning chatting with the HSE on-line support and as I suspected Ireland doesn’t really have a plan to deal with an outbreak of the coronavirus. Basically, if you have any of the symptoms stay at home. And most definitely do not rock up to a hospital or GP Surgery. There could be...
This sounds like a massive scandal that could have Obama's fingerprints all over it.
“@realDonaldTrump #NamsteTrump #IndiawelcomesTrump
"I Love Hindu & I Love India"
Burnol moment for the secular liberals as India welcomes its best friend #DonaldTrump from White House
Welcome To #India President Trump
The hero will destroy the evil and we will make us
The Trump administration on Monday is implementing the long-awaited “public charge” rule that restricts green cards for immigrants deemed likely to be reliant on welfare -- a rule furiously opposed by Democrats, but one that officials argue will protect taxpayers and align with American principles.
“Conservatives are gleefully confident that Bernie can’t win. They’ve already forgotten how sure it seemed that Trump would lose. Trump was utterly detested by huge numbers of people (still is). No governing experience. A reality tv host. Every reason to think he’d lose. He didn’t”
Authorities have reportedly opened an investigation into the death of Obama-era Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower Philip Haney, who was was found dead in his California home on Friday. “On February 21, 2020 at approximately 1012 hours, deputies and detectives responded to the area of Highway 124 and Highway 16 in Plymouth to the […]
"I don’t know anyone who really thinks that Russia prefers Donald Trump to win over ‘comrade’ Sanders."
The City of Chicago has once again won the dubious honor of being the most corrupt city in America.
Since Xi Jinping came to power, China has expelled nine foreign journalists as part of the government's effort to control the narrative.
Like Trump, Bernie Sanders is tapping into a seething discontent in American life over who has power and who doesn’t. This isn't Obama's American anymore.
For all of their talk of a gender spectrum and gender fluidity, the left is strictly Puritan on the rules of gender expression in children.
The fearmongering over Russian election “interference” might be the most destructive moral panic in American political life since the Red Scare. Then again, to be fair, those who prosecuted the post-war hunt for Communists had the decency to uncover a handful of infiltrators. We’ve yet to meet a single
Sanders’s comments received bipartisan criticism from Florida lawmakers.
A new survey found that 80 percent of people in the arts sector fear having 'controversial opinions' can lead to professional ostracism. Those views include supporting right-wing politics.
That the Democrats are now Vermont senator Bernie Sanders’s party shows the success of his insurgency. He is The Corbynizer
A man who once transitioned to a woman warns that his gender transition destroyed his body and that it is "categorically impossible for anyone to change their innate chemistry."
Kris Kobach says Bernie Sanders is supporting legislation by House Democrats that will fly deported criminal illegal aliens back to the U.S.
A village split wide open over azaan in Sangli, Hindus of Andhali are staying away from Muslim shops
Instructed by a few members of their community, the Hindus of Andhali are staying away from Muslim shops
Socialist Bernie Sanders, the front runner in race for the Democratic presidential nomination, attacked the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) on Sunday and was subsequently condemned by the organization. “The Israeli people have the right to live in peace and security,” Sanders wrote on Twitter. “So do the Palestinian people. I remain concerned about […]