.02/16/2020 8:56:05AM EST.
Karlyn Borysenko is a longtime Democrat. She recently attended a Trump rally and found out is was like nothing she had heard from the media or her liberal friends. Not only were Trump supporters incredibly friendly to her, she was completely shocked by the positive energy and size of the crowd. Now she is issuing …
‘Nobody is experiencing the pain of living under this president more than black Americans ...’
“I was cleaning up the streets of San Francisco & this young woman became very aggressive.
I don’t know what came over me,
but I proclaimed my support for @realDonaldTrump on the dirty streets of SF & people listened.
I hope this goes viral. https://t.co/ZfIHg1d5SH”
Michael Bloomberg was heckled by several pro-Second Amendment activists during a Saturday evening campaign stop in Virginia.
'You actually did' lock people in cages
Bill Maher was booed by some of his own audience members on Friday's edition of HBO's Real Time after mocking descriptions of Mike Bloomberg as a "racist" in the context of the former New York City mayor's recent comments about stop-and-frisk policies and minorities.
Oscar and Grammy-winning singer and global warming activist John Legend and his model wife Chrissy Teigen flew 500 miles on a private jet to dine at a restaurant for their Valentine’s Day date, despite Legend's insistence that the planet is in the midst of a “climate crisis.”
This woman is certifiable. Nancy Pelosi traveled to Munich, Germany this weekend to trash Trump while overseas. During her interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Pelosi refused to believe President Trump was overwhelmingly acquitted in the US Senate in the sham impeachment. She’s nuts. Christiane Amanpour: “What about, though, the fact that the president seems liberated, …
The proof that he willfully deceived investigators appears strong, but the Justice Department likely felt there were too many obstacles to convicting him.
There is serious question as to whether the conviction itself should be reevaluated.
Online Source – World Net Daily As we confront the many life-and-death political and cultural battles increasingly wracking America – including a presidential election just around the corner,…
“He may not be responsible for it, but he has some accountability,” Biden said
All day, I’ve been waiting for someone to debunk the claim on Drudge Report that Mike Bloomberg is considering Hillary Clinton as his running mate. All day, I’ve been disappointed. I’ve watched my favorite conspiracy theory sites. I’ve watched the usual suspects among Bernie Bro journalists, MAGA-hat-wearing bloggers, and DNC shills on Twitter. Nothing. Nobody’s …
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says in a new interview that she is not counting former Vice President Joe Biden out of the Democratic presidential race after two disappointing finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire.
Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) says that English should not be the official language of the U.S., a reversal from a vote she cast more than a decade ago.
Robert Reich on five ways Trump has made the swamp even swampier
SUICIDAL:Bloomberg Considers Hillary Clinton As His Vice President.Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight offered analysis on the blockbuster news from Drudge of
"wake up All China Citizen !!" she said about her situation. we've seen few Courageous people in China, and now we are watching another woman. i downloaded t...
Instability in Mexico and Latin America drove a wave of migrant workers to send a record amount of remittances to their home countries in 2019. Mexico’s Central Bank reported that Mexican migrants working overseas sent home a record-high $36 billion in remittances in 2019, a 7 percent increase from 2018.
Rodrigo Duterte, the ever-unpredictable president of the Philippines, has given official notice to terminate the Visiting Forces Agreement that governs the presence of U.S. military personnel. Among other complaints, he said Americans were rude and failed to leave their weapons...
The granddaughter of a 92-year-old woman who was allegedly murdered in New York City by an illegal alien gave a powerful speech with President Donald Trump on Friday about how the Democrat-controlled city shielded the illegal alien with its sanctuary policies. “ICE revealed it had filed a detainer for [Reeaz] Khan in November 2019, when […]
.02/16/2020 0:59:02AM EST.
.02/16/2020 0:55:08AM EST.