A brave voice in China cries out about the regime’s mishandling of the coronavirus.
British Reporter Shocked To Discover Muslim Extremists Have Taken Over Her Town
Little is known about the company being paid to buy ad time, except that it’s represented by two former colleagues of Jane Sanders from a time when her own history of working for her husband’s campaign became controversial.
President Donald Trump on Friday invited up on stage the granddaughter of Maria Fuentes, a 92-year-old woman allegedly raped and murdered by an illegal alien.
American officials have long blamed China for the influx of fentanyl and similar substances reaching U.S. borders.
Buttigieg rode the national recovery to some modest economic gains but ran into trouble on the hard urban problems of crime and racial politics.
Joe Biden himself faces legal jeopardy
Having Clinton 'save' the Democratic ticket as a vice presidential running mate could be a brilliant political move.
Nelson Gibson from Florida brought a life-size cardboard figure of his President Donald J. Trump to his dialysis treatment to make himself comfortable, but now it's not allowed. Gibson is furious.
Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg is reportedly considering choosing failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton as a running mate.
The European Court of Human Rights has backed Spain’s immediate deportation of two African migrants who tried to enter one of its African enclaves.
Despite very real harms of online pornography, politicians from all parties remain silent on this issue.
U.S.—A controversial new Paw Patrol episode shows the pups rounding up commies around Adventure Bay.Dubbed "Pups Save Capitalism," the episode kicks off with Mayor Goodway attending a secret Communist meeting in which she and the other filthy commies conspire to seize the means of production.Ryder and the pups catch wind of this and k …
U.S.—The climate crisis has been getting worse, despite liberal elites' best efforts to fly all over the country in their private jets lecturing everybody about it.There seemed to be no end in sight until a new tech startup, Hypocri-Fuel, introduced a private jet that runs on liberal hypocrisy."We just hook this bad boy up to Leo DiCaprio, …
During an interview with CBS 12 on Friday, Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer, the author | Clips During an interview with CBS 12 on Friday, Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer, the author of the book Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America's Progressive Elite, stated that 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-VT) family has "become quite wealthy through his public service."
Bloomberg’s internal polling has found the combo “would be a formidable force,” campaign sources told the Drudge Report Saturday.
The former Navy SEAL responsible for killing al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden offered some harsh advice for Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg.

ONT WTF on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Back in New York, we have recently started an informal reading group at The New Criterion and Encounter Books. If that sounds dull, let me add that I have combined the reading with a little seminar…

Governing Takes a Team

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Bernie Sanders—a supporter of Cuba’s and Venezuela’s Communist regimes, whose honeymoon idyll was the Soviet Union, passionate and earnest about his beliefs—now appears likeliest to be the Democrat…
Lindsey Graham formally asks A.G Barr to make witnesses available for probe into “Crossfire Hurricane”
Today, the IEA released its report on global CO2 emissions, which totaled 33 gigatonnes in 2019. The figure matched the total global emissions for 2018, which were an all time high.
Al-Quds Open University (QOU), a Palestinian independent public university, on Saturday apologized for publishing a “Map of “Palestine” that includes only the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
“We’re losing our damn minds!.. (Bernie Sanders) has never been