By barely winning the primaries in New Hampshire, Senator Bernie Sanders took the lead in the Democratic race to the White House on Tuesday night.
Socialism still has more in common with Communism than either of these two has with conservatism.
The Democratic primary is in a confusing state at the moment. And our forecast model is a little confused, also. There are a couple of assumptions it’s making a…
What would you do if a preacher threatened a harmless 16-year girl because she was potty-mouthed? What began as a brutal — if virtual — dustup on social media, between a French teenager with an aversion for religion in general...
Van Jones warned that former Joe Biden's unusual South Carolina strategy would "blow up in his face" ahead of the New Hampshire Democratic primary Tuesday.
I said that if a president did something entirely legal, with a mixed motive that included his desire to be re-elected, that mixed motive could not turn a legal act into an impeachable offense. I also said that a good motive could not turn a criminal act
Many on the left love to talk about the social cost of carbon dioxide emissions, but what about the social benefits? A new study by climate, economics, and statistical experts raises serious questions about the most popular social cost of carbon models and finds that...
Michael Lind’s The New Class War explains how elite contempt for the working-class drives support for Trump and Rogan.
Lloyd Blankfein, the former chief executive officer at finance giant Goldman Sachs, took to Twitter late Tuesday to warn Democrats about the perils of nominating Sen. Bernie Sanders as their 2020 standard-bearer.
NEW HAMPSHIRE—Tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang has suspended his campaign for President of the United States.Relatively unknown before he began promising to give everyone in the country what he called a Freedom Dividend, which is a universal basic income measure in which the federal government would pay each American $1000 per month, he rapidly grew his soc …
President Trump mocked what was shaping up to be a “bad night” for Sen. Elizabeth Warren in New Hampshire, saying “Pocahontas” is looking for a way out of the 2020 presidential race.

Are Liberals Sociopaths?

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

by Hannes Wessels   My problem in trying to understand the mindset and behaviour of ‘liberals’ today begins with trying to define this particular class of people that I believe should accept m…
DOJ's move comes hours after Trump tweeted the initial recommendation was “very horrible and unfair”
Is Ruth Bader Ginsburg a Russian asset?It's a fair question for Democrats... because it turns out that a Ginsburg opinion was used to help Trump defeat the Democrats' emoluments lawsuit.A federal appeals court tossed out a lawsuit against Trump by congressional Democrats.CNBC reports on the decision:“Here ... our conclusion is straightforward because the Members — 29 Senators and 186 Members of the House of Representatives — do not constitute a majority of either body and are, therefore, powerless to approve or deny the President’s acceptance of foreign emoluments,” the panel said in the ruling.The judges cited a 1997 Supreme Court
Biden skipped past dismal NH numbers to take his fight to familiar territory
It sounds like a ripe subject for satire. The Hunt is about a group of liberal elites who, angry at some conservatives for posting their ideas, decide to hunt down and kill the conservatives. There were many conservatives who heard about the film and decided it was going to mock rural people, or ...
'We have evidence that Huawei has the capability secretly to access sensitive and personal information in systems it maintains and sells around the world,' a White House official said.
Millennials love socialism. They like redistributive social policies. They want everyone “taken care of.” The purveyors of current American socialist policy are a communist, Bernie Sanders, and current “democrat socialists” aka “the Squad.” Millennials haven’t connected the totalitarian means being...
Now, apparently, Drudge has backed off the "anti-Trump" nonsense, likely to try and stop the hemorrhaging.
CNN’s New Day brought on ex-Congressman Joe Walsh on Friday to announce he’s dropping his bid for the Republican nomination after pulling one percent of the vote in the Iowa caucuses this week. Host John Berman described Walsh as a “Tea Party Republican” even as Walsh said he’d vote for a socialist over the alleged “dictator” Donald Trump. This makes sense, since Walsh's dire talk of "dictator" Trump is CNN's sweet spot, scratching their itch
Americans will nominate and elect all sorts of candidates, from the virtuous to the rogue. But Americans don't like fakes. And there may never have been a more fake major candidate in modern American history than Elizabeth Warren.
The course will be teaching...journalism tactics and responsibilities.
Bernie Sanders keeps telling young people how he will give