In recent years the "Not The Onion" moments from leftists have been coming at us so fast it seems like they're being fired at us from a Gatling gun. Today's example is a politician from Quebec named Luc Ferrandez, who seems to have found the silver lining to the Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China. 
What are they teaching in New York City preschools? At one taxpayer-funded Brooklyn nursery, it isn’t numbers, letters or nap time — but ­racism and victimhood, plus transgender and “queer’’ rights…
ITALY—A statement by famed wooden puppet Pinocchio was rated four Ocasio-Cortezes by fact-checkers at the Washington Post.As the cartoon character was being rescued from a birdcage by the Blue Fairy, he reportedly made several false statements about the nature of his imprisonment, earning him the four-AOC rating. Fact-checkers were able to tell he was ly …
Fred Fleitz urged Former National Security Advisor John Bolton to withdraw his tell-all book from his publisher "immediately."
The justices reversed a ruling from the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
.01/27/2020 19:00:11PM EST.
.01/27/2020 18:58:19PM EST.
First Things' Jennifer Bilek has exposed the billionaires and Big Pharma heirs bankrolling the transgender industrial complex. George Soros and Jon Stryker are key players.
Activity at the Imam Khomeini Space Center indicates Iran is once again attempting to send a satellite into orbit. Last year, three attempts ended in failure.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The impeachment hearings have been thrown into chaos after President Trump announced that he supports impeachment, forcing Democrats to oppose their own impeachment inquiry."Impeachment? I'm for it. Great idea. Best idea, maybe ever," he said, adding that he's "getting kinda sick of all this winning anyway."&q …
Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, said Monday it is more likely other Republicans will vote to hear witness testimony from former National Security Adviser John Bolton as part of impeachment proceedings following reports on new allegations in his forthcoming book -- as Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, also said the reports strengthened "the case for witnesses."
Levin: Bolton’s book was obviously timed for maximum impact & sales.
BOOM! PAM BONDI DROPS MOAB ON DEMOCRATS AND BIDEN BURISMA SCANDAL! Pam Bondi took to the Senate Floor on Monday afternoon in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. Former Florida Attorney General Bondi exposed the corrupt and nefarious actions by Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and the Burisma scandal. Pam Bondi opened her testimony by …
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) is officially under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for possibly marrying her own brother, according to the New York Post. Two FBI agents wen…
Cancel culture isn't done wrecking people's lives. Yes, prominent names like J.K. Rowling, Dave Chappelle, Ricky Gervais and Bill Burr pummeled PC groupthink in recent months. Their body blows suggested cancel culture might retreat in 2020. Instead, it popped up from the canvas to fight again. Just ask Stephen King, the horror legend who backpedaled after suggesting talent matters most when it comes to the arts. Now, Joe Rogan is in mid-cancellation from the usual suspects. The podcast superstar suggested he'd vote for Sen. Bernie Sanders in the upcoming Democratic primaries. “I think I'll probably vote for Bernie. Him, as a
The U.S. Supreme Court gave the go-ahead on Monday for one of President Donald T...
The reasons varied, but president featured frequently
Pam Bondi made the White House's case that Trump had good reason to ask Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden's conflicts of interest.
An investigation into Elizabeth Warren’s disastrous promise to ban hydraulic fracturing via executive order on Day One of her presidency.

Senator Ted Cruz on Twitter

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

The last time there were Palestinian elections, Hamas won in a landslide. Even if Israel does agree to allow Arab residents of Jerusalem to take part in the Palestinian elections, Abbas will undoubtedly find another excuse to continue his policy of