Taking a breather from blaming the country’s division solely on right-leaning Americans and railing against moderate female Republican senators who had issues with the Democratic impeachment managers, NBC political director Chuck Todd took time during Sunday’s Meet the Press to share his dread for what President Trump would say if the Senate acquitted him.
This year's Lunar New Year celebrations in China have been ruined by the government's shutdown of various cities home to at least 40million people, which has prevented many from travelling.
Ratcliffe: Adam Schiff says things he knows that aren't true with supreme conviction.
The Washington Post placed a political reporter on administrative leave over tweets she sent as news of Kobe Bryant’s tragic death unfolded that the paper said "displayed poor judgment that undermined the work of her colleagues."
The CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called on Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib to apologize for spreading "blood libel" against Jewish people.
President Trump on Monday said his administration has been in contact with China and has offered US expertise to help the country combat the spread of the deadly coronavirus. “We are in very …
Hillary Clinton: "Why I Lost To Trump" Part 3, 2016 Presidential loser Hillary Clinton made it clear during a Q&A session at Sundance that she feels she did
With the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses only a week away and the New Hampshire primary drawing ever closer, the political commentariat are overflowing with opinion pieces about the early-voting states. Now, one progressive columnist wants you to sop up another drop of wisdom: Iowa and New Hampshire voting first is actually racist.  According to New York […]
It’s time for New York City Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza to go.
On Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, Megyn Kelly and Alex Wagner combined to underline liberal media bias and how it's only metastasized under the candidacy and presidency of Donald Trump.
The idea of a campus “safe space”—a university-sanctioned oasis where students can go to destress and feel at ease—has had its share of ridicule. And it’s not hard to see why: It is often hard to distinguish between a college safe space and a preschool daycare. For example, in April 2019, the University of North … Continue reading "The New American Academy: Break Out the Crayons and Play-Doh"
Today, groupthink is on the side of peace, or rather on the side of caricaturing President Trump as a warmonger. This is something of a turnabout

Target Trump Forever

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

The Left has shown that the collusion exoneration last year by the heralded Robert Mueller investigation—all 22-months, the “dream team,” and $34 million of it—meant absolutely nothing. Nor did it …
In some ways, it hardly seems like a fair fight: the leader of the free world and the ultimate alpha male, Donald J. Trump, versus a slim, awkward 17-year-old Swedish schoolgirl, Greta Thunberg. Ev…
NYPD Police Commissioner Dermot Shea blamed Democrats’ bail reform during a press conference on Friday, saying that it was responsible for an explosion of crime around the city. “Since 2020 began, as of Friday at midnight, robberies are up 32.5 percent, car theft is up 61 percent and burglaries are up 18 percent compared to […]
The election for the 2020 NRA Board of Director Candidates is in full swing. Are you voting? Do you know if you are voting eligible?
Enrollment has swelled for Yale University's introductory art history course, which covers "the Renaissance to the present." That's because the
Really Facebook? A 3 Day Ban For This???
Pro-life president, meet the pro-life generation.
In the Federalist Society, we debate ideas with the nuance we wish existed elsewhere. It’s distressing to see some so eager to destroy that.
Temporary worship structures in southeastern Sudan were set ablaze on Jan. 16, three weeks after the buildings they had replaced were burned down, sources said.
Daily Wire Editor-at-Large Josh Hammer, who is a former judicial law clerk on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, has the following piece today at National Review Online. Cultural progressives, who reject the very humanity of unborn children but confidently assure us that there are upward of 70 distinct genders, tend to have an uneasy relationship […]