The number one thing to know about cancel culture (and Media Matters in particular) is that the people who engage in it are not acting in good faith
Note that over 400 of the city's restaurants closed in 2019.
A gun-grabber would NEVER lie about a threat to push more gun-grabbing ... right?
Actor Jon Voight called for the “highest prayers” for President Trump amid the impeachment trial in a tweeted video posted Friday.
Utah Sen. Mitt Romney (R) said Saturday that it is “very likely” he will be in favor of calling witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial against President Trump.
Analysis: The so-called deal of the century apparently considers the difficulty in implementation and sets a 4-year transition period; it also suggests the construction of a tunnel connecting the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib retweeted a claim that a Palestinian boy was murdered by "violent Israeli Settlers."

Tehran and its Three Fantasies

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

The first of these is that Iranians as a nation are united behind Khomeini's messianic regime and ready to put up with poverty, injustice and even oppression in order to keep "The Revolution" alive. Over the past few years that fantasy has been punctured
Former Vice President Joe Biden is trying to capitalize off of a rift between Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) supporters over a quasi-endorsement from comedian and podcaster Joe Rogan by announcing his unqualified support for “trangender equality” in a tweet. “Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time,” Biden said on social media Saturday […]
Biden Took Two Massive Bribes " Guiliani Assures Americans ",Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani joined Judge Jeanine Pirro Saturday to
Washington Google “fact-check Senate impeachment” and you can read about all the factual errors made by President Donald Trump’s team of lawyers. What about those of the House impeachment managers? Apparently, this week, head prosecutor Adam Schiff and his colleagues...
As many of you already know (since the MSM loves to prop up their selected narratives), numerous places all around the Country blessed us with the infamous Women's March (that ironically began after President Trump took office). However, you more than likely missed out on the blatant irony that was on full display at the Reno's Women March.
Her complete lack of integrity is only matched by her lack of intelligence
The Trump administration’s push to counter Iran’s influence in South America won key support from leaders in the region in recent days, with three Latin American nations officially declaring Lebanon’s Tehran-backed Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.
Wisconsin authorities say 22-year-old Yousef O. Barasneh, whose father immigrated from Amman, spray-painted swastikas on Beth Israel Sinai Congregation in Racine
Tucker Carlson talked about his former Washington neighbor, Hunter Biden, during an appearance on "Watters' World" on Saturday night -- telling host Jesse Waters he feels a degree of "sympathy" for the son of former Vice President Joe Biden now that the son is facing scrutinty for past business dealings in Ukraine.
Several angry protesters got up close and personal with House impeachment manager Adam Schiff on Capitol Hill during President Trump's Senate trial, calling the California Democrat a "liar," among other things, and advising him to “Move to Venezuela!" 
ATLANTA, GA—CNN has introduced a new format for its news shows: Now when people tune in, they’ll see two anchors sitting at a desk with a TV between them tuned to FOX News about which the anchors will yell about angrily.“They’re not even talking about what Adam Schiff said in the impeachment trial,” anchor Oliver Darcy shouted in …
A vast and diverse nation like the United States needs systems that push politicians to consider the interests of many different kinds of people. The Electoral College helps to do this.
Oxford academic Selina Todd was given protection after threats from transgender rights activists.