While Clinton’s rise to the establishment elite was facilitated by her background, Warren’s rise to the left elite is inhibited by hers.


Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

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WASHINGTON, D.C.—Faced with the prospect of another drawn-out day of listening to fellow congresspeople drone on and on about impeachment, Republican senators donned their trusty googly-eye glasses in order to get a little shuteye.Senator Mitch McConnell distributed the glasses as the trial was called to order, letting the other Republican senators know …
In 2016, Donald Trump, running alongside a Catholic turned Evangelical in Mike Pence, scooped up a majority of the Catholic vote. Hillary Clinton had added to her ticket nominally Catholic Tim Kaine, but that didn’t stop white Catholics from gravitating...
Hillary Clinton criticized Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and the social media giant in a new interview, calling the top executive’s views “authoritarian” and saying that the platform “intend[s] to reelect” President Trump. 
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Filmmaker Michael Moore hailed White House hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders in an Iowa campaign stop Saturday as not being “the fake and the phony and the fraudulent” in Washington. 
Gavin Newsom, the lily white, urbane, coiffed scion of San Francisco’s posh royalty, is California’s highest-ranking Democrat. He presides over a party that has taken progressive ideals beyond absu…
Understanding the events of 1979 is crucial for those trying to figure out a better future for today’s Middle East.
The decision, which will shift from cash bail to a “risk-based system” that weighs whether a defendant might flee or poses a threat to public safety, fulfills one of Chesa Boudin’s key campaign pledges before his election in November.
The House managers held a press conference. They didn't look too happy.
Democrats Accidentally Proved Trump Is INNOCENT With LEAKED Audio Tape, Impeachment Collapsing. As the impeachment trial for Donald Trump drones on with no n...
City Councilman Robert Holden met this month with officials in the US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York after his call for a federal probe of “deep-rooted fraud” in the city De…
Ten years ago today the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed the free speech portion of the First Amendment, declaring in the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that a federal law proh…
A journalist and author, Daniel Hannan has been a British member of the European Parliament since 1999. He first came to wide notice in the United States whe...
Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden argued this week over whether the former vice president has advocated cutting Social Security. Biden tweete...
Lead House impeachment manager Adam Schiff dismissed the GOP hubbub over his “head on a pike” remarks as a mere distraction from President Trump’s impeachable conduct.
  In his book SJWs Always Lie, Vox Day makes the important distinction between logic (the mental process by which we seek truth) and rhetoric (the language of persuasion). Both logic and rheto…
“'Socialism as Popular as Capitalism Among Young Adults in U.S.'--
Fox News has long dominated the television cable news ratings, but 2019 was also a banner year for Fox News Digital, which had its best year ever and set new highs across a variety of categories.
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders admitted Friday that he has no idea how much his package of progressive programs would cost the American taxpayer.
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday that around 400,000 people in Sy...
U.S. to expand network of spy satellites to better detect and track cruise missiles, drones, and hypersonic weapons.