
Some of them seem downright mad that the shooting in a Texas church was stopped within seconds by good guys with guns. It's not a good look.


There seems to be a set of the elite who are quite ready to view themselves as gods, replacing any and all of the traditional deities.


Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) wrote in an op-ed from federal prison on Thursday that Democrats in the House led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) would have impeached President Abraham Lincoln for obstructing Congress.


Political correctness, cancel culture, and “wokeness” is destroying our ability to have important discussions about some of our most complex problems. Ironically, the people that continually engage in this behavior say they’re trying to help but end up doing the exact opposite. That’s why I stoked to introduce you to my guest today, Zuby, to talk about these current issues and so much more.


The ultimate effect of Fusion GPS’s work, of which Crime in Progress is the latest installment, will be to harden the country’s political divide


Rudy Giuliani Set To Flip Impeachment Case Against Dem, With Nancy Pelosi still holding the articles of impeachment without any timeline it’s unclear


The president's plan is working.


Post with 0 votes and 489 views. Liberals: compassionately forcing OTHERS to solve The world's problems


In 1972, Stone Age Economics, by anthropologist Marshall Sahlins, appeared. It came out in France in 1976 under the title Stone Age, Age of Plenty.


The truth behind House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff's role in engineering President Donald Trump's impeachment may soon come out because a nonprofit group promoting government transparency --...


In October 2018, during Sabbath morning services, a white supremacist attacked the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, murdering 11 people and wounding another six. In April 2019, in the middle of...


As we approach the 2020 election, the sheer nuttiness of Democratic proposals looms large.


1 vote and 0 comments so far on Reddit


Former Benghazi GRS team member John Tiegen was baffled by the notion that the violent protest that erupted at the U.S. Embassy in Iraq would be branded as “President Trump’s Benghazi," saying that the comparison is 'not even close."


Two female attackers yelled “F— you Jew” and “I will kill you Jews” at a Brooklyn man before shoving him to the ground when he tried to film their anti-Semitic screed, a report said.


Former Vice President Joe Biden has returned to the Charlottesville "very fine people" hoax with which he launched his campaign last April.


Mr. Castro, the former housing secretary and mayor of San Antonio, was the only Latino candidate in the race. He championed progressive policies but did not find his footing in polls.


De Blasio faced instant blowback for saying that Domino's exploited customers.


USA Today is facing blowback over an op-ed they published from Arizona Republic blogger Elvia Diaz, who wrote that it was “terrifying” that members of the West Freeway Church of Christ in Texas were armed when a man stormed the church and opened fire on congregants. Diaz wrote in response to hero Jack Wilson’s heroic […]


Dr. Roland Fryer, an award-winning economist, was one of the most promising members in the economics department at Harvard. His career was recently derailed, however, when a female student accused him of inappropriate behavior. As a consequence, he was suspended...


A USA Today op-ed stating it was "terrifying" that several parishioners were armed when a gunman opened fire during a church service in Texas was roasted on social media.


The President's robust response to the recent upsurge in Iranian-sponsored violence in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East certainly appears at odds with the perception that he has no interest in conducting military operations in the Middle East, and


President Donald Trump added that "at a later date I will be going to Beijing where talks will begin on Phase Two!"


President Trump’s campaign raked in a whopping $46 million in the fourth quarter of 2019, fueled in part by a backlash from his base against House Democrats’ impeachment efforts and blowing past any of his would-be Democratic rivals.