Former Obama Housing and Development Secretary Julián Castro (D) ended his flailing White House campaign on Thursday.
Convicted felon Rod Blagojevich, who was impeached and removed from office when he was the Democratic Governor of Illinois, wrote an op-ed published by Newsmax on Monday in which he blasts his party for abusing the U.S. Constitution by engaging in a political impeachment. Blagojevich, who was convicted of corruption and sentenced to over a […]
Quid-Pro-Creepy-Joe He just can’t help himself. Joe Biden raised a few eyebrows again on New Year’s Day. Campaigning in New Hampshire Joe Biden turned to his attention to one of the little girls in the audience, “How old are you honey. 11-years-old. Talk to me before you leave.” What a creepster. Via ALX. BIDEN: “How …
Vox founder and editor-at-large Ezra Klein capped off his year by spreading misinformation in a viral tweet on Tuesday.
Ireland is preparing to ban the registration of new petrol and diesel cars by the year 2030 as a part of its "Climate Action Plan".
The United States legalizes nearly twice as many foreigners as the next three closest nations — combined. So the criticisms don't really play out.
Islamist Iran in 2020 will either grow dominant, or be set on a path toward freedom. It depends on President Trump.
Missouri Republican Sen. Roy Blunt said the Senate will be done with its impeachment trial by the time of President Donald Trump's State of the Union address.
Julian Castro, the former Obama housing secretary and San Antonio mayor, has dropped out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
We reported in March 2017 that Obama’s Defense Department Official Evelyn Farkas admitted Obama was spying on the Trump campaign, transition team and Presidency. Former Assistant Defense Secretary under the Obama administration, Evelyn Farkas admitted that the Obama administration was trying to collect as much intelligence as possible on the Trump administration: Evelyn Farkas: “…Frankly …
Schiff : "I say “rabbit, rabbit” to bring luck throughout the year to come. Give it a try tonight! I hope it brings you and your family and friends good luck in the New Year."
Media figures are lying about Tuesday's attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. Why?
Hunter Biden's Paternity Case Takes A Massive Turn As Judge Rescues Himself, According to a court record filed Tuesday, Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Judge Don
How to cope with Lefties in liberal families, groups, workplaces and clubs, to defeat their arguments and survive 2020 in a Leftist environment.
Johnson’s electoral triumph proved that politicians who refuse to reckon with the desires of the voters will be crushed even by those who pretend to do so.
And guess what's to come...
New motion filed in the case shines the light on business deal with China.
American Thinker: By Eric Utter There was once an Age of Reason. Today, we appear to be living in the Age of Unreason. Or insanity. As I've noted in previous posts, it is exceedingly difficult today for a sane person to believe what he observes on a daily basis, whether it be Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stating that the world...
The New Year saw a host of new laws going into effect across the nation, and Illinois Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton took full advantage by being one of the first in line at a marijuana dispensary now that recreational use of the substance is legal in her state.
Hadi al Amiri joined Iraq's then-Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki as his Minister for Transport when he stood in the Oval Office in December 2011.
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