In turning out woke and broke graduates, they have a lot to answer for.
A top-notch cinematic depiction of the danger of the free world selling its liberty for cheap telecom infrastructure.
Almost all comedy critics agree, if the joke doesn't involve; Hand size, excessive hand moment, references to "Build a Wall", the color orange or the word "HUUUGE" then the joke might as well not exist. By the time Donald Trump won the 2018 Election, Late night TV and comedians the world over had already been relentlessly mocking the presidential candidate for several [...]
This means the boy's mother will be able to continue 'transitioning' James into 'Luna,' now has full authority to start him on puberty blockers and eventually cross-sex hormones.
House Democrats on Monday blocked a Republican resolution to censure Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, the anti-Trump hero.
It has been forever since kids were required to learn anything important to obtain a high school diploma in New York City — but who knew that they didn’t even need to go to class? But as this newsp…
Sanctuary city policies coming to your community?
John Durham intends to interview former John Brennan as part of his investigation into U.S. intelligence agencies' activities in the Trump-Russia probe.
Rising Nevada Republican congressional candidate Lisa Sutton raised more money during the third quarter than any of the other six Republican primary challengers that she faces in Nevada’s 4th Congressional District. Sutton, 34, entered the race during the third quarter and raised more money during the first 90 days of her campaign than any of […]
The scandal brewing around Democrat Rep. Katie Hill threatens to cause serious repercussions for the House impeachment effort.
Money for nothing, and the everything for free.
The professor appeared on a program titled "Black Women OWN the Conversation"
Eighty-five percent of the respondents called themselves pro-choice and 92 percent of Americans were Democrats.
Warren criticized DeVos for her lack of experience in education during her confirmation hearing and has repeatedly called for an education secretary who previously worked as a public school teacher.
While Tucker Carlson, Sohrab Ahmari, Bill Kristol and more try to redefine conservatism, the Heritage Foundation is standing firm. On Monday, Kay Coles James published the True North principles upholding the founding principles of conservatism.
Appearing twice in as many days on CNN, The Hill’s Rising co-host and former MSNBC host Krystal Ball attempted to breakthrough the CNN machine and their establishment crowd by calling out Hillary Clinton for referring to 2020 Democrat, Congresswoman, and Hawaii Army National Guard Major Tulsi Gabbard as a Russian asset. Further, Ball attempted to make the argument that if droves are repeatedly accused of being Russian assets or ideas or campaigns are deemed Russian-backed, then nothing is. Unfortunately, CNN’s Zuckerbots weren’t interested in this point of view.
The media’s happily taking their marching orders from Hillary Clinton again, since she’s thrust herself into the spotlight in recent weeks, even parroting her shocking claim that 2020 Democrat candidate Tulsi Gabbard is a “Russian asset.” The View hosts similarly were shameless in their praise over Clinton’s “deep knowledge” and accuracy, even claiming she had been “exonerated” and “was right about almost everything.”
While Democrats freaked out over the Trump Kingsman video which was not made by the campaign or shown by the White House, there was no condemnation for Barbara Streisand, who tweeted an image of Nancy Pelosi impaling Donald Trump on her shoe.
President Trump on Monday slammed Hillary Clinton for asserting that Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard was a Russian asset. “She’s accusing everyone of being a Russian agent. These pe…
Zinn omits facts that are inconvenient for his Columbus-bad-Indians-good narrative.
Top Republicans in Washington, D.C., and right-wing media personalities have started to sour on Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for not using his power as chairman to call for public hearings to get to the bottom of how the Russia investigation started and for not calling on Kurt Volker, former U.S. Special Representative […]
Texas Judge Tammy Kemp "lived out her faith" when she hugged and handed a Bible to a former Dallas police officer who was convicted of murder, theologian and Fox News contributor Jonathan Morris said Wednesday. 
On Monday, a jury ruled against a Texas father, Jeffrey Younger, attempting to save his seven-year-old son from a gender transition being facilitated by Dr. Anne Georgulas, the boy’s mother and Younger’s ex-wife. “With a consensus of 11 of the 12 jurors, the jury decided not to grant Mr. Younger Sole Managing Conservatorship over his two […]
As the Caribbean saying goes, “I chucked a rock in the pen and a pig squealed.” | Politics