WASHINGTON, D.C.—According to sources close to Hillary Clinton, the failed presidential candidate was gently returned to her padded cell disguised as the Oval Office over the weekend.After the failed presidential candidate had escaped from the premises again and accused thousands of people of being Russian agents, orderlies were finally able to catch her …
SMALL UNCULTURED ISLAND IN THE ATLANTIC—A previously unexplored small island of uncultured savages in the Atlantic has rejected American missionaries' attempts to introduce them to good food.Missionaries attempted to build a Chick-fil-A in the unfriendly wildlands of the island, but the savages protested and chased them off with pointy objects, which …
Residents are wondering whether widespread power outages are the future and whether they're the only way to prevent wildfires. New technology may help prevent them if utilities are willing to invest.
Always, the tampon manufacturers, have removed the female symbol from their packaging in order to please the transgender lobby.
Panic Attack! Horse Mouth O'Rourke is really upping his desperation candidate game: https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1186230899643432960 If a scientist said "Hello" to Beto I would doubt he'd understand it. O'Rourke is the dumbest Democrat still standing, which is saying a lot in a field that i...
President Trump unloaded on a number of topics Monday, including controversies surrounding his Syria decision, the 2020 G-7 summit and the House’s “illegitimate” impeachment inquiry while saying he should be “allowed to run the country,” instead of focusing “on this crap.”
More than one in five people who registered for President Donald Trump’s “Keep America Great” campaign rally in Dallas, Texas, were Democrats, according to Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale.
10/17/19 ◼️ DONATE TO SUPPORT MY WORK: Patreon | https://patreon.com/armenrezz BitCoin | 3Botk8n3VL56NvZWq6pTvo1z4qjS37aJ95 ◼️ FOLLOW ME: Twitter | https://t...
The end may be near for Julian Castro’s White House bid.
In higher education’s ongoing quest to appeal to the “woke” crowd, colleges and universities across the country are now training professors about “inclusive grading” as part of a larger focus on diversity and inclusion. The College Fix reported that Boise State University (BSU) is the latest in a long line of schools to jump on […]
While there can certainly be a lot of ideological diversity among members of the
Beto O’Rourke said at the Alabama Democratic Conference Saturday that “this country is still racist at its foundation, at its core.”
Overall, 43% of Americans say withdrawing American troops from Syria would be the right decision, while 45% say it would not.
Beltway types still haven't grasped that voters decided long before Trump arrived that standard operating procedure in D.C. is as farcical.
President Donald Trump is presiding over a “money machine” and now has the most well-funded re-election campaign in history, according to fundraising numbers released last week. Politico reports that Trump and the Republican National Coalition have raised more than $300 million, and the President alone has $158 million cash on hand to kick off his […]
After enacting multiple laws that encourage homeless people to live and congregate in major California cities, along with not enforcing other laws, California residence have finally had enough. According to
HBO’s Watchmen is primed to be one of the most divisive shows of the year with critics celebrating its woke take on race relations as it attempts to lecture its audience.
In case anyone needed another reason to leave California, the chief executive officers of Pacific Gas & Electric Corp. (PG&E) now says the company may have to impose blackouts over the next 10 years. NPR reported that CEO Bill Johnson told energy regulators at California’s Public Utilities Commission (PUC) the company needed more time to […]
Hillary Clinton decided to dabble in comedy over the weekend, but she did the one thing comedians consider a capital offense: She stole a joke. On Sunday afternoon, the two-time loser posted a “letter” on Twitter, purportedly from President John K. Kennedy to then-USSR premier Nikita Khrushchev. Clinton wrote on the post: “Found in the […]
.10/21/2019 15:00:24PM EST.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) are demanding swift action to protect transgender migrants trying to enter the United States.
Pretzel-Twisted Spin.
.10/21/2019 14:57:17PM EST.
.10/21/2019 14:52:31PM EST.