
Opinion | Facebook and Free Speech

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Zuckerberg says progressives shouldn’t abandon liberal values. Progressives object.

Opinion | Legalizing Discrimination

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

In Washington, a chance to defeat a bid to bring back racial preferences.
Hunter Biden is not the only child of a politician to become a millionaire trading on his family name. Chelsea Clinton is in there too. She made over $300,000 for attending just 6 meetings of

When did Fake News start?

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

When did Fake News start? Centuries ago. Journalists have supported left-winged socialists for two hundred years. See William Godwin, Georg Hegel, Karl Marx.
For months, I’ve held back on putting too much hope into the so-called “investigation of the investigators.” It’s not that I didn’t think there was anything to find. But the “Deep State” is good at what it does. They find dirt while keeping themselves clean for decades. But it seems they stretched themselves too thin, …
Police marked "Hate Crime Awareness Week" with cartoons urging the public to report "hateful" behaviour "even if it isn't a crime".
Your guide to tonight’s 2019 Canadian federal election — pivotal races to watch, bellwethers in each region, and the fight to win the country’s closest election in 40 years.
When Fox News's Chris Wallace claimed an anonymous source told him that Republicans would consider voting to remove Trump in impeachment, he wasn't just spreading fake news: he was spreading disinformation, just like the media did on the Russia probe and the Soviets did before them.
They refuse to integrate... 
Nobody has done more to sink the claim that climate change is endangering polar bears than zoologist Susan Crockford — and she may have paid for it with her job.
State Department officials are openly rebelling against the president. Who still thinks the deep state is a myth?
The facts simply do not the support the current wave of climate “crisis” hysteria.
A high school in New Orleans turned down a free Chick-fil-A lunch for its teaching staff due to the...
At a town hall in Indianola, Iowa Sunday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren said in the upcoming weeks she would detail how to pay for her proposal for a government-run "Medicare-for-all" plan.
GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba – After nearly 20 years in the custody of U.S. Forces, Taliban leader Ahmed Yusef Umar is looking forward to the next chapter in his life of Jihad: retirement. Umar will begin receiving retirement benefits, including Medicare and Social Security, as early as 2020. Classified an enemy combatant, Umar has been in …
Contrary to predictions—a broad range of environmental and human outcomes related to climate change have stayed level or improved for the past 30 years.
Children are better served by having a unified home with both parents involved, we need to stop bowing to PC pressure to pretend otherwise.
Trump will win reelection in 2020 for three reasons: First, the voters are always reluctant to replace a president in a time of peace and prosperity, regardless of his perceived flaws. Second, a transparently partisan impeachment vote in the House...
In this week’s Democratic debate, presidential contenders sparred about nearly
A new bill would require Supreme Court justices to disclose more information about privately funded travel, a lavish and much-enjoyed perk of service.
A Pakistani-born Canadian Muslim hockey coach's story about being the victim of a racist text from the father of one of his players is beginning to unravel.
It´s convinient that Greta Thunberg is from Sweden, so that the politicians here can ignore the real issues for a moment. Socialmedia and support: Twitter.co...
The presidential campaign in 2019 and will drain Bernie's energy faster than he plans to drain a billionaires bank account.
WASHINGTON COUNTY, OR (KPTV) – Washington County detectives are seeking additional victims after three people were arrested on multiple charges including sex
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) says transgender border crossers and illegal aliens "must" be released directly into the United States.