Demand Georgetown Cancel Sebelius as Commencent Speaker

1,560 Signatures
Target Name Target Organization
John J. DeGioia (Georgetown University)

Georgetown University, one of the oldest Jesuit Catholic universities in the U.S. has invited Kathleen Sebelius as one of its commencent speakers to address graduates who are interested in going into politics.

Sebelius is the architect of Obama's contraception mandate which has been repudiated by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops as a threat to religious freedom.

She also has a long record of promoting pro-choice causes. 

This is a direct challenge and repudiation of the US bishops and their concerns about religious freedom, and an insult to the pro-life movement everywhere.

Sign our petition to Georgetown president John J. DeGioia to cancel the scandalous Sebelius as commencement speaker right away!

The Petition

Stop Sebelius From Giving Commencement Address at Georgetown University

It is scandalous and insulting that the pro-choice architect of the biggest government threat to religious freedom in this country is being honored by a Catholic university and given a pulpit to speak to, and influence young graduates who will be tomorrow's politicians.

We are asking President John J. DeGioia to cancel this appalling choice of speaker immediately. 

Sign this Petition
