Tell United Airlines to UNITE FOR LIFE!

1,718 Signatures
Target Name Target Organization
Jeff Smisek (CEO of United Airlines)

Jeff Smisek, CEO of United Arlines, recently co-chaired a high-dollar fundraiser for Planned Parenthood in Houston, TX, home of the largest abortion clinic in the Western Hemisphere. This clinic's goal is to perform 75 abortions a day, 6 days a week, which means over 23,000 babies aborted every year at this one location alone. Plus they perform abortions up to 25 weeks gestation -- babies over six months old!  

Please join me right now in telling Jeff Smisek to drop his support of Planned Parenthood and demand United Airlines support pro-life causes and charities. Tell him to UNITE FOR LIFE! And please spread the word among your friends and family. United, we can be a powerful pro-life voice for those who have no voice.

The Petition

Jeff, Drop Planned Parenthood and UNITE FOR LIFE

Mr. Smisek, I was shocked to learn you recently co-chaired a high-dollar fundraiser for Planned Parenthood in Houston, TX, home of the largest abortion clinic in the Western Hemisphere. This clinic aims to perform 75 abortions a day, 6 days a week, which means over 23,000 babies aborted every year at this one location alone. Plus they perform abortions up to 25 weeks gestation -- babies over six months old!

You have said "image" is very important to United Airlines and I can tell you the image of you supporting Planned Parenthood is appalling to me. 

I, and thousands of pro-life Americans, are no longer patronizing United Airlines effective immediately. And we will do everything in our power to spread the word about your anti-life action and about our principled boycott. We firmly ask that you apologize for supporting Planned Parenthood in this public venue and we demand that United Airlines begin to support pro-life causes and charities. 

Please Unite for Life so we can again be proud to associate and fly with your airline.

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