Stop Affirmative Action in California

586 Signatures
Target Name Target Organization
California State Assembly (California State Asembly)

Proposition 209 (also known as the California Civil Rights Initiative) amended the state constitution in 1996 to prohibit state government institutions from discriminating against, or granting  preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment , public education, or public contracting.  

SCA 5 seeks to REMOVE any mentioning of “public education” in Prop. 209. Furthermore, the bill even wants to REMOVE University of California and public schools from the definition of State Government Institutions

Under this proposed constitutional amendment, voters would reconsider affirmative action programs at the University of California and California State University systems on the November ballot. SCA5 would remove prohibitions in place since 1996, when voters approved Proposition 209.

The Petition

Vote NO to SCA 5

The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution clearly states that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of its laws. The SCA 5 is racist and in violation of the US Constitution.

We urge you to vote NO to SCA 5!

Sign this Petition
