Thank Senator Manchin

25 Signatures
Target Name Target Organization
Senator Joe Manchin (US Senate)
Mr. Lance West (Senator Manchin's Chief of Staff)
Mr. Wes Kungel (Senator Manchin's Legislative Director)
Ms. Mara Boggs (Senator Manchin's State Director)
Mr. Sam Runyon (Senator Manchin's Communications Director)

Sign our petition to Senator Manchin thanking him for standing on principle to uphold the Senate filibuster rule. It’s that rule that stands in the way of the radicals in Congress passing legislation like the Equality Act to fundamentally transform America into a fully secular, socialist nation.

The Petition

Thank you Senator Manchin

Dear Senator Manchin,

I’m writing to express my thanks to you for standing for principle and defending fairness and tradition in the US Senate by upholding the filibuster rule and refusing to allow radicals to remake America on a starkly partisan basis. It’s outrageous that these radicals have targeted you personally, harassing you at work and home. Their lack of respect for your privacy and their failure to recognize any boundaries to their own conduct is a sad but notable commentary on their approach to the rule of law. If they get their way, mob rule will establish America’s future, not fair and reasonable debate.

A major legislative concern I have is HR 5, the so-called Equality Act. This is a radical piece of legislation that would impose the extreme LGBT agenda and damage average Americans, especially people of faith. You have not publicly committed a position on this legislation, but I am very happy you have declined to be a co-sponsor of the proposal. Whatever your leanings on this bill, I wholeheartedly support your position that it, like every other piece of legislation, should be debated and decided fairly and even-handedly under the rules. Fairness, even-handedness and bipartisanship is what the filibuster rule is designed to protect. I commend you for standing for that principle.

Sign this Petition
