Stop the Snoops

by ActRight Community in FreedomWorks Inc

You know the National Security Agency is spying and collecting data on every American citizen. At any time, government snoops can access your email, phone call logs, and private messages without your permission or knowledge.

The NSA’s massive collection scheme is unconstitutional and a violation of basic American principles. Our Founding Fathers risked their lives so We the People would not be subject to unreasonable searches and seizures. The NSA makes a mockery of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Representatives Justin Amash and John Conyers have introduced a bill to limit warrantless spying on innocent Americans. The Limiting Internet and Blanket Electronic Review of Telecommunications and Email Act (LIBERT-E Act) already has wide bipartisan support with thirty-seven co-sponsors in the House. Together, we can make sure this bill passes.

Urge your Representative to support the LIBERT-E Act (H.R. 2399) now. This is not a Republican or Democratic issue – our liberty is at stake.

