Stop the Black Mass in Okla...
“In spite of repeated requests, there is no indication that the city intends to prevent this event from taking place. I have raised my...
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America is in a serious fiscal crisis, and let's be frank, we don't want to end up like Greece. However, if we continue to spend more money than we have, we will not only leave our children with thousands upon thousands of dollars in debt, we will destroy the America we have come to know and love.
That's why we need to act now and get President Obama out of office. When Obama campaigned in 2008, he campaigned on a platform of fiscal responsibility , but as we've learned Obama is a man of empty rhetoric and broken promises.
“In spite of repeated requests, there is no indication that the city intends to prevent this event from taking place. I have raised my...
Read MoreFinal Report will add the Impact of COVID-19 Analysis on Automotive Electric Turbocharger Industry: The Global Automotive...
Read MorePresident Obama's HHS mandate is a slap in the face to millions of Americans and their freedom. Although Obama promised generous conscience...
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