
It's not Islam, bro!

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Watch liberals absolutely deny that Islam played any role in the terrorist attack in Orlando. Who do they blame? Watch and find out.
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Watch the official music video for Faith No More - Evidence iTunes: http://po.st/FaithNoMoreiT Amazon: http://po.st/FaithNoMoreAmzn Official Website: http://...
Finland will soon hand out cash to 2,000 jobless people, free of bureaucracy or limits on side earnings. The idea, universal basic income, is gaining traction worldwide.
"This is not just an attack on me and my campaign..."
Wikileaks keeps telling the world Russia was not their source for the leaked DNC emails— —The liberal mainstream media keeps ...
Illegal aliens and supporters for a sanctuary city stood in front of the city's administration building chanting, "Not on our watch."
Michael Moore said there must be "protesting, obstructing, disrupting, and civil disobedience" on President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration day in an interview with MSNBC's Chris Hayes. Moore also spoke of protesting electors in the Electoral College as they meet. "People need to have their voice heard," Moore said of electors who are casting their vote based on the outcome of the election in their state. "I mean, the man has no right to enter that house," Moore said of Trump and the White House. "There are too many questions about whatever collusion was going on. I mean, they admitted that they were in touch with the Russians during the campaign. They have said that," Moore claimed. MICHAEL MOORE: Listen, we are hours away now from the Electoral College coming together on Monday. This needs protest, this needs people's voices. You can go to Vigils For America, I think it's dot org, and they have a list of all the state protests at the state capitols this weekend and on Monday. People need to have their voice heard. Don't say to yourself, oh, what's the use? How do we -- nothing's going to happen. You don't know that. You don't know that. That's why we have to keep fighting. We have to fight all the way to inauguration day and then be ready for them to start the day after the inauguration passing law after law after law. CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC: And you think protesting on Inauguration Day -- Protesting, obstructing, disrupting, civil disobedience. I mean, the man has no right to enter that house. There are too many questions about whatever collusion was going on. I mean, they admitted that they were in touch with the Russians during the campaign. They have said that. HAYES: Right. MOORE: So we would need to know as Americans what the hell was going on there and he does not have a mandate. He does not have a mandate. And that just needs to be said over and over and over again. And the media, for God's sake, please do your job. HAYES: We try. MOORE: You're not trying hard enough, Chris.
Facebook has decided to clamp down on the supposed epidemic of fake news by appointing an assortment of "fact-checkers" to vet their news feed. The problem is that these fact-checkers — PolitiFact, FactCheck.org, Snopes, Associated Press and ABC News — are all slanted to the left and have a bad habit of inserting their progressive opinions into "fact-checks" instead of simply being objective. Here are 11 of the worst "fact-checks" by the five Facebook fact-checkers. 
In this episode, Uncommon Knowledge is honored to have retired four-star General James Mattis. General Mattis retired from the Marine Corps as a full general...
The sister of a woman charged in New York City for filing a false police report about drunk men on a subway train yelling "Trump" and "terrorist" at her blames the NYPD for bringing the alleged lie to light.
The latest Fox News poll shows 68 percent of Americans say President Obama should not pardon Hillary Clinton on his way out of the White House, and I agree. Donald Trump should do it. One his very first day, with his very first pen, President Trump should sign his very first presidential proclamation: “We must put the politics of the past aside and unify our country. Therefore, for the many, many crimes and misdeeds she committed while Secretary of State, I hereby pardon Hillary Rodham Clinton. The left will never forgive him. It's counterintuitive, I know. According to the poll, a paltry eight percent of Republicans want Hillary pardoned—but they're just short-sighted. I would ask the 87 percent who oppose putting Hillary in the same company as Marc Most Wanted Rich and Richard Nixon: Who are the only people who need a pardon?
"Political language," wrote Orwell, "is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable." But this has not deterred people from using it.
Farewell dear friends. I seem to have run out of ammo.
More than 7 in 10 millennial parents support the ability of parents to control their child’s education spending. But they keep voting for politicians who refuse to give parents that power.
Time to pack your bags! Here are all the A-listers who threatened to leave America this election season.
When The New Republic published a discussion of Obama's legacy, the conversation fixated on questions of race and gender—with one notable exception.
Michael Sheen is to give up acting at the height of his career to fight the rise of the far-right populism.
Monsignor Antoine Camilleri, Under-secretary for relations with the States, warns that Western nations face a new type of oppression meant to eliminate religion from public life. “To act and speak out publicly as a committed Christian in one's professional life has never been more threatened,” he said.
William Jacobson, Cornell University law professor, maintains the popular conservative political blog, Legal Insurrection. In a recent post, Jacobson analyzed exactly what the Democrats and the mainstream media are attempting to do with the Electoral College. The Democrats and their supporters, the corporate media, have been having a fit since Donald Trump won the election. They are ?
The marriage of the girl to her relative who made her pregnant took place on Tuesday despite against it by organizations concerned with chidren's rights.

The real Russian 'interference'

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The hysteria being manufactured around evidence-free charges of Russian government manipulation of the 2016 presidential election is more and more resembling a temper tantrum thrown by a spoiled child unable to cope with losing some board game ( "Russian interference," Dec. 12). And yes, the U.S. intelligence agencies claiming to have the inside dope on this nefarious Russian meddling are the same exemplars of integrity and competence who solemnly assured us in that it was a slam-dunk that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was just bristling with weapons of mass destruction — as President-elect Donald Trump has rightly noted.
Snopes, which will now have the power to declare what news is or is not legitimate on the world's largest online platform, almost exclusively employs leftists. Facebook announced Thursday that myth
Two more taxpayer-funded American universities -- the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Colorado Denver -- will offer undergraduate courses focused exclusively on how "whiteness" i
New Israel Ambassador says embassy move can be done 'in a day.' costs zero taxpayer dollars.