Democrats who are having trouble getting out of the first stage of grief — denial — aren't being helped by the fact that, now that all the votes are counted, Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote has topped 2.8 million, giving her a 48% share of the vote compared with Trumps 46%. T
Mulvaney is an advocate of strict curbs on government spending to reduce the deficit.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch is defending the FBI against allegations that the bureau mishandled investigations of email hacks of Democrats and focused too much attention on Hillary Clinton's priva
It only makes sense that such an unprecedented president-elect should have an unprecedented First Daughter. And to Donald Trump, Ivanka has long been first among equals. Of his five children, she i…
Choosing not to sit next to someone on public transport could be a hate crime, the British police have confirmed – if that person is Muslim.

Dennis Kucinich on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“US leaders undermine our nation w unsubstantiated allegations about Russian Govt hacking US election. Saying it doesn't make it so#StoptheBS”
States cannot keep federal grants away from Planned Parenthood clinics, the Obama administration ruled on Wednesday in a move that critics say is a “parting gift to Big Abortion.”
Just in time for Christmas, The Washington Post has solicited the religious brilliance of Rev. Ruth Everhart, a pastor and rape victim. Everhart writes about why Christmas is insulting to rape victims. Yes, seriously. According to Everhart:
After Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote about his concern with “fake news” on November 12, Facebook followed up on Thursday by announcing that the company would utilize Snopes, Factcheck.org, ABC News, PolitiFact, and The Associated Press to fact-check its news feed.
Public backlash is being aimed at DC Public Schools Spokeswoman Hilary Tone over one of her tweets about her desire to abolish all white men.
Like most observers, The Nation’s Walsh expected that the voters who backed Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 would turn out for Hillary Clinton, whose presidency would safeguard Obama’s “political, social, and racial legacy.” Of course, countless expectations were dashed on November 8, when, as Walsh puts it, an “unexpected surge of white voters…took their country back from a black man [and] refused to hand it over to a liberal white woman.” In her piece, Walsh suggested that Obama hurt Hillary’s chances of winning pretty much by just being himself for eight years.
A cabbie flagged down police after the woman refused to pay a $6.50 fare, according to a police report.
The essence of American politics is “the manipulation of populism by elitism.” Don’t expect this to change in the wake of the navel-gazing mainstream’s historic whiff on the election–despite the occasional mea culpa and promise to overhaul its approach. Mostly because 90 percent of the MSM is owned and operated by six conglomerates that have little interest in changing the system that profits them, or in changing the editorial narratives that support the system.
Discussing the parallels between Rome and The United States, especially in their respective declines. Thanks for watching! Subscribe for more! Like & Share i...
The VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System in Denver is educating veterans about support services after one man tried to take his own life in a Colorado Springs VA clinic Friday.
Muslims have taken to London streets for the second time in three days to call for a Caliphate, in a protest organised by Hizb ut-Tahrir
    Regulations violate the checks and balances of a representative republic. While Obama is not the only president to use regulations to skirt Congress, he is the biggest culprit. Obama has used Federal Regulations to impose his socialistic agenda upon America. In fact, by May 2016, Obama had passed over 20,000 regulations during his presidency. Obama’s reign of terror is finally coming to an end. The good news is that Donald Trump has a tool to reduce the impact of the Obama administration. During the campaign, Donald Trump said that 70% of Federal Regulations can go. Whether Donald Trump reduces the Code of Federal Regulations by 70% is yet to be determined. Nonetheless, the first step in reducing the CFR by 70% begins in the first three months of 2017. Congressional Review Act One of the laws passed as a part of Contract with America is called the Congressional Review Act [CRA]. The CRA permits Congress to pass a Joint Resolution which when signed by the president, nullifies?
I?m very much pro-capitalism. However, I agree with Bernie Sanders and many of his allies on the American Left about something. I agree that cronyism is a serious problem in the US. Businesse…
With more than 20 nominees now selected, Donald Trump’s cabinet appears much like the president-elect himself: mostly older, white males, many of them wealthy, who see themselves as risk-takers and deal-makers and prize action over deliberation.
UW-Madison students are demanding that the administration revoke a conservative club's charter and put its leaders “through intensive diversity training.”
President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) as his director of the Office of Management and Budget, a move that will surely cut spending and address the deficit problems in the United States.
TV channel France 2 went undercover in various areas with high Islamic populations in Paris to show how conservative Muslim men are enforcing social segregation in public spaces.
In 1977, Carl Bernstein published an exposé of a CIA program known as Operation Mockingbird, a covert program involving, according to Bernstein, “more than 400 American journalists who in the past 25 years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency.
href="http://truthfeed.com/video-angry-blacks-call-out-obama-as-worst-president-ever/41650/" target="_blank"> Obama couldn't even manage to gain the peoples support he claimed to want the most!